


August 29th, 2020

Charlotte, NC

Off Camera



Every new student gets their start somewhere.  The place we find ourselves right now is a place that doesn’t have the glitz and the glamour you may expect it to have, especially not considering the fact that it is owned by a man who arrogantly calls himself “The Very Best”...cue the cheesy smile...Steve Powers!  But then again, that is just all for show.  It is just his public face.  In private the now part time professional wrestler turned full time trainer known as Steve Powers has grown quite humble.  He is far more mature than his siblings, Derek and Aubrianna, both of whom are as arrogant as they come.  It is Steve who recognizes that one’s beginning has a permanent impact upon your future in this business.  His father, Gregory Powers, never made it to the big leagues.  He never made it out of the indies.  His family suffered as a result and Steve was left to carry the burden, helping his own mother to raise his brother and sister.  Then when their mother committed suicide, it was just was just Steve, Derek, and Aubrianna.


By that point Steve had accumulated wealth of his own from professional wrestling.  He was lucky enough to make it, he was lucky enough to become a big star and he saved the money he made.  Steve was the one who ensured Aubrianna and Derek had good, if not pampered lives.  Steve is really the one responsible for Aubrianna being as arrogant as she is, for she hasn’t had to experience the hardships her father and then Steve had to experience.


With this school, The PowersHouse Academy, Steve wants his students to remember the harsh beginnings.  He doesn’t want them pampered.  Hence this facility is not exquisite or luxurious.  And hence why he has the toughest, most badass head trainer to help him keep the students in line…


...his best friend, the seven foot tall monster Adam Craig.


“Do it again!  And no bitching this time or I’ll plant my foot in your ass!”


Steve smirks as he watches his friend call out these newbies.  Truthfully he is only half-paying attention.  “The Very Best”...cue the cheesy grin...Steve Powers is patiently awaiting the arrival of his youngest, sibling, the arrogant Aubrianna Powers.  Steve does care about making sure his students are well taken care of and taught well but family comes first in his eyes.  And to say that he is concerned about the direction his sister’s career is taking would be quite the understatement.  On the one hand, Aubrianna Powers is quite the prodigy.  It took Steve Powers many years to climb the ladder up from the indies and then make it to the pros and then many more years to finally become a world champion.  Aubrianna won two world championships in her first two years as a professional.  She is now actively competing for and making appearances for promotions all over the world but perhaps none bigger than Supreme Championship Wrestling.  Fame and fortune certainly have come flooding towards Aubrey Powers much quicker than it did either of her siblings, and it is for that reason alone that Steve is most concerned.


“Hello world!” The door leading into the main workout area swings open wildly.  Steve notice that his youngest sibling, Aubrianna Powers, is standing there.  The pink tipped blonde haired beauty is wearing denim jeans, black high heeled boots, and a black “Most Valuable Powers” t-shirt.  A smug grin is etched across her face as she starts to arrogantly stroll across the room.  A few of the students cannot help but notice the newcomer.  Some of them are awestruck as they recognize her as a big star but others, especially the male contingent, are just in awe of her beauty.


“Hey!  Keep your dick in your pants and focus on the task at hand!” Adam Craig snarls.  His intimidating voice immediately catches the students off guard and regains their attention.  The MVP just chuckles.


“Don’t get mad, Adam.  I mean, can you blame them?  I am simply adorable.” She winks at the students in the ring. “Still, don’t get any funny ideas you pervs…” she raises her hand and points to the wedding band “...I am married, you lame-o clowns!”


Adam ignores The MVP as she turns and starts her arrogant stroll towards her brother.  Steve isn’t fond of her attitude and it shows based on the stone faced, emotionless glare he gives her.  His arms are folded across his chest.  Aubrey gives a friendly wave at her brother, just as she stops right in front of him. “Hi, Steve.  Hope I didn’t keep you waiting, bro!”


“You were on time...for once…”


“Oh gee, thanks.” Aubrey rolls her eyes.


“Step inside my office.”


“Your office?” Aubrianna asks curiously. “Aurora Alan...MY manager, by the funding this crap of a wrestling school.  Isn’t that technically her office?  In fact, this whole thing is hers.  This would be a pile of dirt if not for her funding.”


“Regardless of whose office it is, I need to talk to you.  Alone.”


“Fine, whatever.” The MVP again rolls her eyes as she walks past her brother Steve and into the open door leading into his office.  Aubrianna finds a smallish sofa there and immediately lays down on it, taking up the entirety of the sofa.  Steve Powers wanted to sit on the sofa next to her but sees Aubrey already taking up the entire space.  He sighs as he goes for the next best thing; he pulls up a chair and sets it up next to the sofa.  Steve sits down on the chair and stares at his sister.


“Sooooooooo do you wanna explain why I was brought to the principal's office?”


“Is that what you think this is about?”


“Isn’t it?” Aubrey asks. “I mean, you’re probably gonna give me another lecture or something else that’s boring or unimportant.  Something that will keep me away from my husband Dexter.”


“I already spoke to Dexter and he agrees with what I’m about to tell you.”


“He what?!” The MVP shoots up, her eyes looking shocked. “That little weasel!”


Steve is now the one smirking.  “Trouble in paradise, sis?”


“There may be later on when I talk to him.  But that’s between us...what do you want, Steve?  What is this all about?”


The Very Best...yeah, cue the cheesy grin again, what the hell...Steve Powers sighs deeply before placing a hand on his sister’s shoulder. “I’m worried about you and so is Dexter.  He said he spoke to you but that you’ve been basically ignoring him.”


“Dex is a worrier.”


“Your own agent, Aurora, she wants to talk sense into you but you’ve been ignoring her calls.”


“I’ve been busy!” Another excuse from The MVP.


“Well maybe you will listen to me, your brother, someone who has been around a lot longer than you and has more experience?”


“What the hell is this, some kinda intervention?!” Powers exclaims, getting slightly agitated with her oldest sibling. “But I will admit that you have a lot more experience than me.  I mean, you’ve been around so damn long you competed in the first ever Olympic games in ancient Greece.”


“Cute.” Steve answers stoically. “But I’m serious here, your career is taking a bad turn and I’m concerned.”


The Most Valuable Powers immediately starts laughing upon hearing those words.  The thought that her career is taking a bad turn is simply laughable to her. “Seriously, Steve?  This is the emergency intervention shit you wanted to pull?”




“You are nuts.” The MVP snickers, shaking her head in disbelief. “Let me tell it to you straight, bro, because in case you forgot I am the prodigy of this family.  Ooooh I like that, The Most Valuable Prodigy, I’ll have to write that one down…”


“You’re getting distracted, sis.” Steve points out pointedly.


“Right!  Sorry!  But yeah, I am a prodigy, I have completed three years as a professional wrestler and in that time frame I have been a former tag team champion in Motor City Wrestling, and I did that in my first month as an active competitor.  In my first year I would win the GCW International Championship and the HKW Tapout Championship, holding that title for over a year by the way.”


“With Aphrodite’s help…”


“Hush!” Powers complains. “And I am already a two time former world champion, and I haven’t even completed four full years as an active competitor yet.  I am so damn famous that promotions from all over the globe are begging me to make appearances.  HKW...GCW...and now, my biggest achievement, Supreme Championship Wrestling...I mean, I had that little twerp Sasha on her hands and knees BEGGING me to sign a contract to compete for SCW.  All of these appearances, all of this cash I’m raking in, and you’re worried about my career?”


The MVP points an accusatory finger at her older brother. “I think someone is jealous.”


“Jealous of you?” Steve asks curiously.  Aubrey nods her head.


“Yeah!  I mean, lets face it, it took you years to break out of the indies and get a shot at the big leagues.  And it took you even longer to finally win your first world championship.  You only recently entered into semi-retirement.  You’ve competed for over twenty years, bro, and in that time how many world titles did you win?”


Steve sighs as he holds up two fingers. “Two.”


“That’s right, two.  In less than four years I matched your entire twenty plus year career accomplishments.  And there’s so much more to come!”


“You’re right, there is so much more yet to come for you, Aubrey.  I’m even willing to go as far as to say that yes, you are a prodigy of this family.  You’ve easily eclipsed both mine and Derek’s careers combined.  And I admit, a little bit of jealousy is there…”


“Ah-ha!  I knew it!”


“But...that doesn’t mean I’m not happy for you.  I am happy for you, Aubrey.  I want to see your success continue.  But I am worried that you are falling into the same trap I fell into.  You pointed out that I only had two world championships in my twenty plus year career?  There’s a reason behind that, sis.”


“Is it because you suck?” Aubrianna suggests with a nasty smirk.  Steve shakes his head.


“No, what hindered my progress was the fact that I got comfortable.  After I became GCW World Champion in 2002 I got comfortable.  I was comfortable with my position as THE man in the company.  Then GCW’s shutdown merger in 2003 really blindsided me.  I was no longer champion and I didn’t know where I fit in with the company.  But I took a risk, I decided to shake things up and I made an impact, winning my second world title in 2004.  But yet again I got comfortable, I thought I had everything figured out.  And that was the last world championship I would ever hold in my career.  Hell, that was the last championship I would ever hold period.  All because I got comfortable.  As you’ve rightly pointed out, I haven’t had any real success since then.”


“And you’re worried about me getting too comfortable?  Let me put your mind at ease, bro, because unlike you I did not get comfortable.  I have safeguards in place to assure my spot in the lofty heights of this business.  I run with The Sovereign, the greatest collection of talent in GCW, perhaps in the business today.  And then there’s my own brainchild, The Most Valuable Friendship…”


Steve chuckles lightly. “Yeah, let me talk to you about that.  Because ya see, I had a group just like you.  I had people surrounding me, protecting me, but it didn’t work.  It just further cemented my comfort.  And that’s what’s happening to you.”


“You’re joking, right?” The MVP asks.  Steve shakes his head.


“No, I’m serious.  And it has already begun.  Let’s take a look at The Sovereign, your little girl’s group is doing great, but which two are the champions?  Which two have the spotlight?  Chanel and Kat.  And then there’s The Most Valuable Friendship.  Aphrodite is a champion.  And Gavin Taylor, he has earned a guaranteed shot at the SCW Adrenaline YOUR expense, might I add...and you?  What do you have?”


Steve pauses, silently waiting on an answer from Aubrianna.  The arrogant MVP gives none and he just nods his head. “Exactly...nothing.  You have nothing.  Your friends and allies are succeeding but you have nothing.  And that is what comfort gets you.”


“Ok, wait just a sec!” Aubrianna stands up right to her feet.  Steve stands up as well, sensing that his sister is upset and attempts to calm her down but to no avail. “Are you trying to sow the seeds of dissent?”


“Not at all.  I’m just saying you need to continue to take risks.  And most importantly you need to remember to always look out for yourself…” he points at Aubrey “ always need to look out for number one…”


“You really think I’m not looking out for myself?  Bro, I’m always looking out for me.  I’m number one in this family and this business.”


“I know that, you obviously know that, but does Gavin Taylor know that?”



September 1st, 2020

Omaha, Nebraska

Off Camera



Omaha, Nebraska is the setting for SCW Breakdown tomorrow night.  Aubrianna Powers finds herself in a situation where she has to team up with her Most Valuable Friend Gavin Taylor against The Silent Majority in tag team action.  Is it a must win situation?  For someone whose SCW career hasn’t gotten off to a sparkling start, Aubrey certainly thinks so.  Yet at the same time the words of her brother, Steve Powers, rings true in her ears.  She does need to look out for number one.  Thus far Gavin Taylor has most definitely benefited from this friendship, all at the expense of The MVP.  Steve Powers has gone as far as to suggest that Aubrianna has gotten far too comfortable in her role and is unwilling to take the necessary risks to achieve greatness.


It’s hard to imagine that to be the case, considering Aubrey herself was an instant mega star upon debuting as a professional in early 2017.  But after three years of quick success, she has slowly startled to fizzle.  She has started to run out of gas.  Maybe Steve is right?  Maybe she does need to take more risks?  Whether or not that is the case is irrelevant, for now.  Right now she is focused on one thing and that is winning this tag team match and getting back to her winning ways.  Part of getting back on track involves finally talking to her agent, Aurora Alan.


The Most Valuable Powers currently finds herself in a small bar area on the bottom floor of the hotel where she and her husband Dexter are staying.  Dexter is not here right now, he is still in their hotel room fast asleep.  The self-proclaimed MVP of Breakdown finds herself sitting next to her agent, Aurora Alan.


Aubrianna is dressed very comfortably in a mini-skirt, flip flops, and a black “Most Valuable Friendship” t-shirt.  Her long pink tipped blonde hair is straight with zero curls and flows frelly down to below the shoulders.  By contrast there is her agent, Aurora Alan; her hair is long and mostly straight with but a few curls.  She is dressed in a business skirt suit, looking very professional.  She has a friendly smile upon her face.


“I am glad you finally decided to listen to reason.” Aurora says in a tone that almost sounds like she is lecturing Aubrianna.  Powers does not take that tone very well because she does not want to be lectured.


“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Powers rolls her eyes. “I’m doing this to shut my brother up.  That’s all.  He seems to think I’m getting too...comfortable…”


“That’s one way of putting it.”


“How would you put it?” Aubrey asks demandingly.  “Seriously, I want to know, because Steve doesn’t always make the most sense.  Of course you’re gonna get comfortable when you’re the best, when you’re as good as I am!”


“But there is such a thing as too much success and that’s what I’m afraid is happening with you.  Your brother Steve and your husband Dexter happen to agree with me.”


“There’s that thing about Steve and Dex.  I really wish they’d come talk to me face to face instead of setting up these dumb ass intervention crap.”


“They have been around this business a long time, Aubrey.  You and I are both relatively new to it, especially me.” Aurora points out, reminding Aubrianna not only of the fact that The MVP is still just three years into her professional career but that Aurora Alan herself has only just begun to step her toes into the wrestling business.   Her brother and sister, Matthew and Jennifer Alan, both have had their hands deep into the wrestling business has wrestling promoters but Aurora up until now has stayed out of it.  Aurora now is managing the career of Aubrianna Powers and helps fund Steve’s wrestling academy.  Aurora readily admits that she is new to this game herself.


“It doesn’t mean that they know what they’re talking about.”


“But I think they do.  You see, Aubrey…”


“Aubrianna!” The MVP defiantly corrects her agent.  Aurora sighs and nods her head.


“ see, Aubrianna, you had an insane amount of instant success when you debuted.  Can you imagine how much more you could have if you kept up the pressure?  Can you imagine how much more success you could have if you took more risks?  See, I may be new to wrestling but I do know business.  In business to succeed you have to take risks.  If you kept up that pressure, if you took risks, you could outshine anyone and everyone to ever compete in wrestling.  But you’ve grown comfortable…”


“I’m getting tired of hearing that word.” Powers says while rolling her eyes.


“Too bad because you need to hear it.  You need to hear about how your comfort has led to you not taking risks.  You’re comfortable helping Gavin to succeed, but what if he succeeds?  What if he becomes Adrenaline Champion?  What about you?  What about Aubrianna Powers?”


“There you go again, just like Steve you’re sowing seeds of discord!” Powers smirks. “Which is lovely app, by the way!”


Aurora sighs deeply. “I do not want to ruin your alliance with Gavin Taylor.  That is not what this is about.  I just want you to ask yourself one question; how will this alliance ultimately help YOU?  How will this alliance help Aubrianna Powers?”


“Now wait a sec you…” Aubrey is about to go off on her agent but then she stops and thinks for a moment “...ok, you got a point there.”


“Just think about it, ok?  That’s all I ask.”


“Sure, whatever, but first I got to take care of business tomorrow.  The Most Valuable Friendship needs to show those Silent Majority losers what FRIENDSHIP is all about.”


On Camera



Time for a lesson in American Civics!  I gotta admit, I agree with those Silent Majority losers on this one; not enough civics is taught in school these days, so leave it to me, The Most Valuable Teacher to teach The Most Valuable Lesson!  And today’s class will be all about American Exceptionalism… offense, Gavin…


...but I mean, we gotta talk about this because that’s all Ricky James and his gal pal talk about these days.  That’s all they talk about, that and this crazy Canadian Conspiracy Theory I overheard last Breakdown, which I have to admit may be on the levels of Wonderland crazy, and that’s really saying something.  And one thing they talk about more than anything else, other than how bad Canada and everywhere else is, is American Exceptionalism.  So lets talk about that, shall we?


The term was originally coined by the French...that’s gotta piss off Ricky, am I right?  And it may make Gavin happy, because doesn’t the French own part of Canada anyway?  Ok, I’m getting distracted.  But yeah, the idea of American Exceptionalism was coined by a French dude, Alexis de Tocqueville.  He said, and I quote, “the position of the Americans is therefore quite exceptional, and it may be believed that no democratic people will ever be placed in a similar one.”


If you want to talk about EXCEPTIONAL then you need look no further than right here, bitches!  The Most Valuable Powers is also THE single most exceptional new signee to the SCW roster!  I am the single fastest rising star in this entire industry!  Now my debut here in SCW has constantly been thwarted week in and week out...and part of that was your fault Gavin, I haven’t forgotten!


BUT unlike every other idiotic neanderthal in this place, Gavin and I can settle our differences in ways that do not involve beating the hell out of one another.  TRUE friends, Most Valuable Friends, can work it out and we have worked this out.  Gavin is the number one contender to the SCW Adrenaline Championship and he will get that title shot and I am quite sure he will win that championship.  And as for me?  Well, my rocket to the top of this dump starts on Breakdown with a pretty severe beating of The Silent Majority.


Let me ask you something else, pretty Ricky...have you ever heard of something called Manifest Destiny?  It was a widely held belief that Americans were destined to expand across all of North America.  And just look at what happened?  We started at just thirteen colonies on the east coast and now we’ve taken practically the entire damn continent!  And just as it was destined for America to expand westward, it is MY destiny to expand my reach to the shores of Supreme Championship Wrestling.  It is my destiny to become the biggest star SCW has ever seen!


And not a damn person can stop me.


I hope you little children in The Silent Majority were paying attention, because just like with any class there is always a final exam.  Your final exam on MY exceptionalism as well as the manifest destiny of The Most Valuable Friendship is to take place on Breakdown and that exam will be a very difficult exam.  It will include many trials and tribulations.  But don’t worry, kiddos.  There is always hope…


...actually, I’m just kidding!  There is no hope!  Much like the lazy bitches that fill our classrooms today, you both are gonna fail miserably on Breakdown, your careers will fail miserably, and you can just watch as the careers of Gavin Taylor and most importantly the career of The Most Valuable Powers take off like a damn rocket!


Learn to love it, bitches!


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