Reconnecting (2)

Off Camera

Immediately following MCW Mayhem in Detroit, Aubrianna Powers and her oldest brother Steve jetted back to the southeast, to the Powers family estate in Charlotte, North Carolina.  Aubrianna could not stay in Detroit.  Not right now.  Not with the current personal issues that have just come to her attention.

An old flame who she thought was gone from her life has returned and will not go away.

This is what brings us to the living room.  Its walls are beautifully decorated in a lavish French styling, it had a large, silvery grey, silky carpet, and the furniture was covered with dark green silky material.  Into this reticence pieces of futurism, Omega cushions and Van-Gogh-like pictures exploded their colors.

The furniture was high end and bespoke.  Every piece was hardwood and harked back to the Victorian era, but not a scrap in the house was more than a year old. The fabrics were spotless and color-coordinated in muted natural hues.  It looked comfortable and practical but by no means plush. It was the perfect place to entertain polite company.

The designs of this room, and the house, are more to Steve’s liking.  This is, after all, technically his house, even though his sister Aubrianna and other brother Derek do, on occasion, spend time here.

We spot Derek and Steve sitting on a plush, comfortable black leather sofa, watching with frustration while their younger sister, Aubrianna, paces the floor in front them, blocking the view of the television set which is tuned into the Carolina Panther game.

“Hey, Aubrey, stop your damn pacing!” Steve shouts angrily, pointing to the television. “I can’t see the game!”

“It’s just pre-season.  Who cares?” Derek asks.

“Derek’s right, no one cares!” Aubrianna declares as she stops pacing, directly in front of the television, and points at Steve. “And besides, don’t call me Aubrey!”

“I can call you what I want…” Steve smirks knowingly “…Aubrey.”

“GAAAH!” Aubrianna shrieks as she resumes her pacing of the floor. “I just wish you two dimwits would be a little more helpful than this!”

“You know,” Derek chimes in “you could settle this yourself.”

“Shut up!” Aubrianna shouts.

“Derek’s right.” Steve retorts. “This guy, this ex-boyfriend of yours, he keeps calling, and if you consider that harassment then by all means, call the police and get a restraining order.  It’s that damn simple.  Problem solved.”

Again Aubrianna stops pacing and turns to face her brothers. “It isn’t that simple.”

“Of course it is,” Derek insists “if the police put a muzzle on the idiot, then you’re free.”

Derek hears Steve snickering lightly under his breath.  He turns and looks at his older brother. “What’s so funny?”

“She still has feelings for old Dorkster.”

“Fuck you, Steve!” Aubrianna shouts, glaring a look of death at her older brothers.

Dorkster…errr I mean Dexter Russell is Aubrianna’s ex-boyfriend.  The two met through professional wrestling.  Aubrianna was still training but her brother Steve wrestled for Global Division of Wrestling, the same company that Dexter Russell was an interviewer for.

“It’s true.” Steve responds.

“Yes, but it isn’t like THAT,” Aubrianna says, putting an emphasis on ‘that’ “it was more of a case that I felt bad for the loser, y’knnow?  The wrestlers made fun of him, they pushed him around, they bullied him.  I wanted to be a friend, but somehow, I don’t know how, but somehow it became more than that.  I realized it went too far and I tried to let him down easy.”

She shrugs her shoulders. “I guess he didn’t take it too well.”

“Look, Aubrey,” Steve stands up and gets in his sister’s face “the easiest way to deal with this is like Derek said, call the police and put a restraining order on him.  But if you legitimately do still care for the idiot…and only you know if you do or not…then call him.  Talk to him.”

Aubrianna stares at her brother for a long period of time, considering what he just said.  A few moments later she takes out her iPhone and quickly dials a number…

“Hi, Dex?” She sighs deeply with some apprehension in her voice. “Yeah, it’s me…it’s Aubrey.”

Simply The Best Promo, Bitches

You know what I spy with my little eye?  I spy an arrogant asshat who seems to be buying into his and his girl’s own hype; because until you beat someone of merit, someone like Melanie and I, then that’s all you two are…you’re just hype.

I admit, Melanie and I may not be that much different from the two of you, and if you bothered to pay attention to anything except you running your own damn mouth then you’d realize that I am absolutely right.  The Elite and Creation may not be that far removed from one another, but to say we’re in the same boat is completely false, buckos.  We’ve proven ourselves more as a tag team than The Young and the Restless.

We beat an actual tag team.  We beat a cohesive, unified, and legendary MCW tag team in the form of Hell’s Bells to become MCW World Tag Team Champions.  You beat Tommy Cook and Cassie Mason and anyone who thinks they were a team is clearly drunk, high, or both.

You got an easy draw.  We got the difficult draw, the challenging draw, and we not only came out victorious, but we dominated their asses.

As for your partnership, I will go as far as to say that not only will The Elite win at Deliverance but me and Melanie will prove that our partnership is far stronger and superior than yours any day of the damn week.

You said it yourself, you’d die for Willow and vice versa, because of that love crap you got going on.  But you know the problem about love?  It’s an emotion, and emotions bring out the weaknesses within humanity.  When your lover is in trouble, your focus is no longer on the task at hand but on making sure your significant other is ok.

Melanie and I do care about each other, we are friends and BFFs, beyond just tag team partners, but we also know that the most important thing in that squared circle, even more important than stupid human relationships is winning.

You do what you have to do to win.  Relationships be damned.  Love be damned.

Melanie and I understand that you two are a significant test for The Elite, we understand that you two are amazing, top notch athletes, who could easily be challenging for the MCW World Championship if you wanted to; so we know that we are in for a war at Deliverance and that sacrifices must be made in order to win that war.  Melanie and I are prepared to make the necessary sacrifices to walk out of Deliverance still the MCW World Tag Team Champions.

My question to Ricky Ricardo and Lucille Ball is simply this; are you prepared to make the sacrifices necessary to take the gold?  Would you sacrifice each other to become champions?

Quite frankly we don’t care if you take us seriously right now or not.  In fact, to be perfectly frank, we’d rather you not take us seriously.  It will make it all that much easier for The Elite to smoke your ass at Deliverance.  Just understand that Melanie and I are going to take you places that you don’t want to go.  We are going to force you to either make that sacrifice or fold up like a damn accordion, because believe me, making that sacrifice is the only way you two are going to get anywhere near the championships.


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