


September 10th, 2020

Portland, Oregon

Off Camera



The Most Valuable Powers may not have been scheduled for action on Breakdown in Portland, but never let it be said that Aubrianna Powers is a slouch; seriously, don’t let her here you say that, she’ll slap you.  The fact is, The MVP is anything but a slouch.  Her ego may be over the top but she is passionate about wrestling and her work ethic is unparalleled.  Aubrey did show up to Breakdown in Portland she was there to hear the big news of the SCW Tag Team League, a round robin style tournament.  This woman, a self-proclaimed “Mayhem Tag Team Champion”, will get the chance to prove her tag team prowess with Gavin himself in this tournament.  Well, she hopes so at least.


We open inside of a hotel room in Portland, Oregon where Aubrey has stayed for the duration of her stay.  She and her husband, wrestling journalist Dexter Russell, could have left for the next stop on the SCW tour wagon which is Apocalypse in Vancouver Canada, but they decided to stay overnight before flying out to the friends north of the border.  Why not catch a little extra shuteye?  It isn’t like The MVP is in any rush to get anywhere.  Apocalypse is on Sunday.  And she and her husband Dexter can enjoy the luxury of this room.


Though to say that this is a room may be misleading. This “room” was huge and didn't look like a hotel room at all...more like a guest suite in an Italian palace. The bed was king-sized with pure white, Egyptian cotton sheets. Included was a desk, a thirty-six-inch TV with video and DVD, a sprawling leather sofa, and, on the other side of the floor-to-ceiling windows was a private terrace. And the bathroom was amazing to say the very least. As well as the power shower, there was a bath big enough for a football team, and a Jacuzzi. Everything in marble and handcrafted tiles. A suite built for a millionaire.  The blonde beauty lying restfully asleep on the king size bed doesn’t typically get treated to this kind of luxury.


So who is occupying this room this morning?  It is none other than Aubrianna Powers. The first impression most people get when they meet Aubrianna Powers is that of an obnoxious, arrogant, overbearing little bitch.  There’s no secret that she is quite full of herself but what makes people so agitated is that she can oftentimes back up her words with action.  She is damn near as good as she claims to be. She trained under her older brothers, accomplished professional wrestlers in their own right, Steve and Derek Powers.  She would make her debut as a professional in April of 2017 and in the short span of time that she has been an active wrestler she has already amassed quite an impressive list of accomplishments.  Now, with this tag team tournament in place, Powers would increase her accomplishments.  She could add yet another title to her resume.


The sunlight streaming in through the window doesn’t immediately wake up Aubrianna Powers who sleeps rather soundly in a king size bed all by herself.  Powers needed to be woken up but it wasn’t just the warmth of the sun’s rays that did the trick, for loud noises from the front door seemed to also act as an “alarm” clock of sorts.  Powers sits up in bed and yawns loudly, taking a big stretch as well.  She turns her head towards the door in time to see Dexter walking back into the room with a cup of orange juice in hand.  Aubrey furrows her brow in confusion.


“Where the hell have you been?!”


“Breakfast.” Dexter announces, raising the cup of orange juice to his lips and taking a sip.  His lovely wife rolls her head out of annoyance.


“And you didn’t take me along with you?”


“I thought you wanted to sleep.”


“That’s not the point!  You could have at least brought me something back!”


“I thought about it but then I got a call from Aurora.”




“Don’t play coy with me.” Dexter smiles warmly as he walks further into the room and sits down next to Aubrey on the edge of the bed. “Aurora Alan...your agent…”


“Oh, her…”


There is noticeable annoyance upon The MVP’s face.  She hasn’t exactly been thrilled with Aurora Alan’s intrusion into her professional career lately.  Then again, it is her job as Aubrey’s agent to be actively involved in her professional career; at least that’s what Dexter keeps reminding Aubrey.  So perhaps intrusion isn’t the right word?  Aubrianna is definitely not happy with what Aurora has had to say lately, that is for certain.  Aurora isn’t sure that Aubrey’s career is going in the right direction.  Aurora would rather Aubrey taking a different tactic.  Among the many actions Aurora questions is Aubrianna’s allegiance to Gavin Taylor.


“You don’t sound very excited.”


“Why should I be excited?  I mean, all she ever wants to do nowadays is lecture me on how I’m screwing everything up.  It gets annoying after awhile.  Y’know?”


“Is that why you are ignoring her calls?” Dexter asks with a wry, knowing smirk on his face. “She said she can’t reach you when she calls your number.  That’s why she called me.”


“Yeah, I ignore her calls.  So what?”


“She’s your agent for starters…” Dexter counters.  Powers just rolls her eyes.


“It doesn’t mean I want to talk to her.  Like I said, I get tired of hearing her lecture me all the damn time.”


“Maybe you should try listening to her?  She only wants to help.”


“You just don’t get it!” Aubrey exclaims as she hops up off of the bed and marches towards a nearby closet.


Powers flings the closet open and reaches down into a pile of clothes strewn about on the floor.  As one who is constantly traveling from destination to destination wrestling in cities all over the world The MVP isn’t used to being very neat and tidy when arriving at her hotel.  Why bother when she’s just going to leave in a day or two?  Powers reaches down and picks up a t-shirt; black with the words “Most Valuable Friendship” embroidered on the front in pink sparkling letting.  Powers throws the t-shirt on and then finds a long loose flowing skirt.  She steps into it and pulls it up to her waist.  She turns around to find Dexter Russell standing in front of her.


“What don’t I get?”


“You don’t get the frustration of someone constantly doubting you and questioning your judgment.  But what does Aurora know, really?  I mean, she admits herself that she is new to this business.  But me?  I grew up in it and was an instant success!”


“She grew up around it too.  Her brother was a former promoter.”


“Big difference.” Aubrey shakes her head. “See, she never embraced the life.  She never learned about the business from her brother.  But me, I learned from my brothers Steve and Derek.  I embraced professional wrestling.  So you tell me, whose knowledge of wrestling is better?”


“I see your point.” Dexter embraces Aubey in a tight hug.


“I have done so well in such a short amount of time, Dex.”


“Yes, you have.  And your knowledge of the game is phenomenal.  But Aurora has a good point, too.”


“Then would you mind explaining her point to me?  Because I don’t get it.” Aubrey asks as she breaks the embrace.  Dexter sighs.


“She just wants you to succeed.  And she’s concerned that certain things...certain people...are holding you back.”


“You mean Gavin.”


“Pretty much, yeah.”


Aubrianna sighs. “Typical.”


“Would you at least listen to what she has to say?”


“Why not?  It isn’t like I have anything better to do; except prepare for Apocalypse.  She’s still in Portland, I assume?”


“Yeah, and she’s on her way here now.”



September 10th, 2020

Portland, Oregon

Off Camera



The Most Valuable Powers currently finds herself in a small bar area on the bottom floor of the hotel where she and her husband Dexter are staying.  Dexter is sitting next to her.  Both have drinks in front of them.  Dexter Russell’s eyes grow wide as he turns his attention away from Aubrianna and towards the entrance to the hotel.  He watches as a woman enters.  Her hair is long and mostly straight with but a few curls.  She is dressed in a business skirt suit, looking very professional.  She has a friendly smile upon her face as her eyes meet Dexter’s.  She waves and Dexter responds in kind with a wave of his own.  Aubrianna remains stoic and emotionless.  This is her agent approaching; Aurora Alan.


“Great, she’s here…” the sarcasm seems to drip from the voice of The MVP.  Dexter chuckles lightly to himself.


“Be nice.”


“I am nice!” Powers insists, while folding her arms over her chest and pouting like a petulant child.  It isn’t long until Aurora makes her way over to Aubrey and Dexter.  Aurora sits down next to them.


“Good morning, Dexter.  Good morning Aubrey.”


“Aubrianna!” Powers says, correcting her agent.  Aurora just rolls her eyes.


“Right, apologies Aubrianna.”


Y’know, Aubrey, she is your agent, don’t you think she rates high enough to get to call you Aubrey?”


“No!” Powers shakes her head. “Only friends.  Aurora and I are on a business relationship.  Nothing personal.”


“Of course, Aubrianna.” Aurora nods her head in agreement.


“So what’s this about, huh?  I mean, it’s way too early in the morning for me to be up.  I should still be asleep right now with my Dex.  But instead you insisted to meet us down here in this stupid hotel lobby.  So what’s up?”


“I just wanted to touch based with you about Apocalypse.  You have made arrangements in Vancouver, correct?”


“Yes, yes, yes!” Powers sighs. “The Canadians may not deserve it but they will get a glimpse of greatness at Apocalypse!”


“And a glimpse of your humility as well…” Aurora points out with a smirk.


“What was that?” Aubrianna asks.


“Nothing!  Just wanted to make sure everything is in order.  This is a ten person tag and…”


“Yeah, and that’s another thing!  Why am I being wasted in that ten person chaotic hell hole of a match?!  I deserve better!  Gavin and I are Mayhem Tag Team Champions and…”


Aurora shakes her head as she quickly interrupts her ranting client. “First of all, you are not a champion.  Second, you’re right, I am not exactly thrilled with this ten person tag team match either.”


“Of course you would be because…” Powers pauses for a moment as she suddenly realizes that Aurora actually agreed with her “...wait, you agree with me?”


“Yes, there is a first time for everything.”


“See?  Doesn’t it feel good to be on the winning side for once?” Aubrey asks with a smirk on her face.


“I don’t like this match because it is dangerous for someone like you.  There are nine other people in this match and four of them are supposed to be your partners, but I’m honestly not sure you can trust them all.”


“We already had this discussion.  Gavin is…”


“I’m not talking about Gavin.” Aurora answers quickly.


“Then who do I need to be worried about?”


“Clyde Sutter for starters.  He has openly said that he doesn’t actually care about this match and will hurt anyone he can, his own partners included.  Then there is the wild card Giovanni Aries.  Him and his delusional cult are unpredictable at times.  Who knows what they will do?”


“As long as those two clowns don’t try and ruin it for Gavin and me I’m good.  It’s all about winning, am I right?  And when Gavin and myself lead our team to victory, we will furthermore LEAD the tag team division into the future, starting with Sasha’s little tag team tournament.  You did make sure we got in that one, right?”


Aurora nods her head. “I am confident that you will be included in that conversation, Aubrianna.  Just stay safe at Apocalypse, ok?”


“Safety is my middle name!  Actually it’s Louise, but who cares?”



On Camera



Are you, the little people, beginning to comprehend it yet?  Are you coming to the realization that this world and this sport belongs to people like Gavin and myself?  Have you come to terms with the reality that SCW belongs to The Most Valuable Friendship?  Well, at least its tag team division does.  And if you don’t believe us, just look at how we operate as a well oiled machine.  When The All Star and The Most Valuable Powers are on the same page no one can stop us.  That is why we are Mayhem Tag Team Champions, am I right ladies and jerks?


You people need proof.  You don’t accept my word for it.  And I’m sure you won’t accept the word of The Silent Majority, who we EASILY beat down on Breakdown in my SUCCESSFUL SCW DEBUT!  Instead you have to have yet another little obstacle course for The Most Valuable Friendship to run through.  And what do you call it?  The SCW Tag Team League?


It’s supposedly a round robin style bullshit tournament but what I call it is a waste of time.  None of the other teams can beat Gavin and myself and you know why?  They don’t have that one factor that separates good teams from great teams...FRIENDSHIP!  Our friendship will lead us to victory and if we have to humiliate little Sasha’s other pet tag teams along the way then so be it.


But even that isn’t enough, is it?  You still need refuse to see our greatness for what it is so what do you do?  You stick The Most Valuable Friendship in a ten person tag where The MVP and The All Star have to carry a lunatic, a rookie, and some reject from a B-Rate slasher flick to victory.  We have to carry those clowns on our shoulders past the finish line and onto victory.  But that’s fine, because we are up to the task.  We shall get the job done and we shall win the tournament as well.


As far as Clyde Sutter and his little threats go, let him whine and bitch all he wants.  The little bitch boy doesn’t scare me one iota.  But I will say this to the fake Assassin; if you don’t want any part of this then by all means, stay out of mine and Gavin’s way, because the fact of the matter is we don’t need you, Subarushi, or Gio and his Wonderland to win this thing.  The All Star and The MVP will lead our team to a Most Valuable Victory on our own.


Learn to love it, bitches.


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