
Off Camera

“I can’t believe that idiot!”

That’s the voice of Aubrianna Powers and, as usual, she is upset.  It’s par for the course for the blonde haired beauty when she doesn’t get her way, and that has happened quite a lot lately in her professional career.  Ever since becoming MCW World Tag Team Champions with her new best friend Melanie McBride, she has not been booked; neither has Melanie.  The two haven’t even been on television.  Their names were just mentioned once when a tag title defense was announced for the Deliverance pay per view pitting Powers and McBride against Willow Wilkes and Jason King of The Creation.

Tonight is their first Mayhem since winning the tag titles and all they got for their troubles was thrown out of the office of MCW General Manager Glory Braddock.  Aubrianna now storms angrily down the hall, side by side with her friend and tag team partner Melanie McBride.

“We’re the best tag team this company has and The British Dimwit has the nerve to throw us out of her office?!”

“Technically speaking,” Melanie says with a sly grin on her face “we are one of the few tag teams in this company.”

“Don’t screw with my logic!” Aubrianna retorts like a spoiled brat. “Point is that we are the MCW World Tag Team Champions.  That should give us some kind of clout around here.  And yet they cater to those Creation numbskulls?”

“Ah, The Creation…” Melanie’s voice trails off as a low laugh escapes her voice “…I would hardly call Glory and Malakai’s booking ‘catering’ to them.  They haven’t been on television much, either.”

Melanie McBride is clearly Aubrianna’s voice of reason.  In that sense they do make a great pair, if not a rather odd couple.  Melanie brings reason and logic to Aubrianna’s chaos.  She may not admit it, but Aubrianna needed Melanie’s calm demeanor during times like this.

“You’re right, Melanie.” Aubrianna finally admits with a deep sigh. “We’re just going to have to forget about “The British Bitch” Glory Braddock and focus on the immediate task at hand and that is to kick the ever loving crap out of Willow Wilkes and Jason King.”

She makes quotation marks with her fingers. “The Creation…” Aubrianna mock shudders with mock fear “…oh I’m sooooo scared!  They act like they run the tag team division, but they don’t!  We’re the champs!”

“Precisely, so there is no need to complain about favoritism or catering or any of the sort.”  Melanie assures her quietly yet confidently. “We are the champions; we have nothing to prove any longer.  The Creation have the pressure on them.  They have everything to prove.”

“That’s right, girl, and we’re going to prove to them why we…” suddenly Aubrianna stops dead in her tracks, her eyes grow wide and Melanie stifles her laughter as anger clearly builds up in Aubrianna “...what the fuck are you doing here?!”

Who is she speaking to?  Not Melanie.  Aubrianna is staring across at one of her older brothers, “The Very Best” Steve Powers, who just rounded a corner.  Aubrianna walks right up to her brother and gets in his face.

“What are you doing here?!  MCW was supposed to be MY place!”  She gazes back at Melanie who politely waves.  She turns back to Steve. “Uh…our place!  This is our place!  How did you even get in?!”

“You gave me a backstage pass,” he snickers as he shoves the pass up into her face “remember?”

“Whatever,” Aubrianna slaps his hand away “what the hell do ya want?”

“Nice to see you too, sis.”

She rolls her eyes. “Sorry, did I hurt your feelings?  This is me attempting to care.”

“You should care, especially about this.”

“About what?” Aubrianna demands. “I have way too many things to deal with right now; Glory Braddock being an idiot, The Creation, our tag titles, and…”

“Your ex-boyfriend.”

“…my ex-boy…” Aubrianna stops suddenly and her eyes grow wide with shock “…what?”

“Yeah, he’s been hounding me a lot lately.”

“You got rid of him, didn’t you?”

“Yes,” he nods his head “but he’s getting on my damn nerves.”

Steve pokes her in the chest. “You need to do something about this.”


“Yes, you.” Steve says definitively. “Either get a restraining order for the harassment or talk to the shmuck.  But do something, because this is getting ridiculous.”

“Yeah…ridiculous…” Aubrianna’s voice trails off as she ponders what to do next.  This is one person she did not want to have to deal with again and now he’s back, and he will not leave her alone.

Simply The Best Promo, Bitches

I get it, I really do get it.  I finally understand why “The British Dimbulb” Glory Braddock has yet to put myself and Melanie McBride, Simply The Very Best…Simply The Absolute Best…and of course, The Sexiest Tag Team of them All, in a match at all since the first of May!

There’s no body worthy of standing up to The Few, The Very Best, THE ELITE!

The Simmonds?  Gone.

Hell’s Belles?  Yesterday’s garbage.

There’s no one!  Not a damn soul worthy of facing The Elite!

Oh, wait, I apologize, I don’t want to be accused of overlooking anyone or, worse yet, burying anyone.  There are two amazing talents in this great company, two very accomplished athletes who want to try their hands at facing the MCW World Tag Team Champions.

Jason King and Willow Wilkes. Now I’m a good little girl who always does her homework.  Both of them are former ULW World Champions and that earns them the respect of anyone who dares step through the squared circle.  And as someone who was raised in this business, I tend to recognize great talent when I see it and individually Willow and Jason are great talents.

Individually…there’s that nagging little word…

Can you really get the job done as a regular tag team?  Sure, you’ve had a match in MCW.  You beat Tommy Cook and Cassie Mason, who couldn’t even get along.  And yeah, you have natural chemistry from the power of love or whatever shit that is nerds like to talk about.

I question whether you two lovebirds really can get the job done against a REAL tag team like Melanie and I.  Now I’ll grant that you can ask the same exact question of Melanie and I.  We haven’t had many tag team matches, either.  Just the one in MCW that won us the gold, a few times working together in GCW, but outside of that, nothing much more than you.  But there is one thing we have that you don’t.

The MCW World Tag Team Championship.   And we won those titles from a legendary MCW Tag Team.  We won those tag titles by beating the living daylights out of a pair of MCW legends.  So do you know what that makes us?

The Very Best…The Absolute Best…Simply The Best…

…it makes us The Elite here in Motor City Wrestling.  Now I know with two great athletes like you standing opposite of us, we’ll be challenged like never before, and I know that The Creation and The Elite will bring down the house and we will steal the show at Deliverance.  I know that we will show Glory Braddock and MCW why they were wrong to keep the tag team division held back.

Do you want to know what else I know?

I know that Melanie and I are going to retain the tag team championship, because we are the few…

…The Very Best…

…The Absolute Best…

….The Sexiest of them All…

…The Elite.


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