
Off Camera

“I don’t give a damn what anyone says.  It’s my wedding and I want it!”

That’s the rather frustrated, angry voice of none other than Aubrianna Powers, HKW Tapout Champion, GCW World Title contender, and professional wrestling journalist Dexter Russell’s bride to be.  She is sitting on the sofa of her living room with her older brother, “The Very Best” Steve Powers.  They are discussing her future plans for the impending wedding and, needless to say, she is being a bit of a bridezilla.  There are flames coming out of her head; or at least there would be if that were humanly possible.

“You can’t have everything you want, Aubrey.” Steve remarks stoically.

“I’m the bride, damn it!  The wedding is all about the bride!  So yes, I do get what I want!”

“You want a horse drawn carriage; that’s possible.  But you also want the US Marine Band to play for you upon arrival.” Steve chuckles as he attempts but fails to maintain a straight face. “That, sis, is impossible.”

“Fine, whatever,” The MVP sputters with frustration “but we ARE having this damn wedding at our church, RIGHT?!”

“Yes, of course.” Steve remarks, nodding his head. “The wedding will be held in St. Matthews Catholic Church in Charlotte.”

“Good, because that’s a deal breaker.” The pink haired beauty retorts.

“Just try and remember, Aubrey, this wedding is just as much about Dexter as it is you.”

“Really?” The Tapout Champion smirks knowingly. “Since when did they start publishing a magazine called Modern Groom?”

“Real funny.” Steve says with a snicker in his voice. “But take it from me, someone who has been divorced more than one time, this is a serious matter and just as much about the groom as it is the bride.  If you make it entirely about you, it could end in failure.”

The Most Valuable Powers can tell that her brother is actually serious for once, which is rare for him these days as he has been going back to his youthful roots.  As she ponders his words momentarily she realizes that Steve does have a point.  She nods her head in agreement.

“I know, Steve.  And yeah, maybe I am going a little overboard here…”

“A little?!” Steve exclaims.

“Fine!  A LOT overboard!” She rolls her eyes. “But I’m just excited, y’know?  Dex and I are finally getting married and I’m happy, really happy, especially considering how we started out.”

A warm smile forms upon Aubrianna’s face as she thinks about her fiance, Dexter Russell.  The memories are not always pleasant.  The fact is, they almost didn’t happen.  Their relationship started in the company known as Global Division of Wrestling where Dexter worked.  He was thin wiry, and not very athletic.  Thus he was often bullied by everyone else.  Powers defended him, and at first she was fine with it, but she began to fear that the bullying would intensify due to Dexter being protected by his girlfriend.  So she broke up with him gently.

Fast forward years later when she made her own professional wrestling debut.  Dexter Russell contacted her.  At first she wanted to get rid of him but when they met up for the first time in years, she saw that he had changed.  He had worked out and become fit and had also developed the courage to stand up for himself and defend himself.  Their relationship rekindled from there and now they are set to marry.

“I’m happy for you too, sis.  I just don’t want you making the same mistakes I did.”  He smiles, though Aubrey can tell that he is still being very serious. “You know, I see a lot of myself in you.”

“Really?” She asks.  Steve nods his head.

“I can.  And no, that’s not a good thing.  I nearly lost a friend, one of my best friends, because I thought being world champion was more important than the loyalty I had to my friend.”

“You’re talking about Adam Craig again.” Aubrey says, referring to Steve’s friend Adam.  Those two have recently buried the hatchet and become friends again after over a decade long feud.

“It took me being isolated without anyone to watch my back, without any friends, to realize the importance of true friendship, Aubrey.  I just don’t want you to end up like me, selling out your friends for success.”

Powers smirks. “You worry too much, bro.  I have friends and allies galore; Aphrodite, all three of the Harters, Amber and Whitney Sloane, Sky, Kali, Kat, Chantelle, Kat Kelly...need I go on?  Because I can if I have to.”

“No, you don’t need to list off all of your so-called ‘Most Valuable Friendship’ members.”

“Look,” Aubrey begins “just because people grew to dislike you doesn’t mean that’s going to happen to me.  I learn from the past.  I learn from the mistakes of others, namely your mistakes.  Trust me, there’s nowhere to go for me but up.”

Powers smirks knowingly as she points upward.  Steve sighs and nods his head. “Whatever you say, sis.  Whatever you say.”

“What’s wrong?” Aubrianna asks, furrowing her brow in confusion.

“Nothing.  I just worry about you.”

“Yeah?  Well the feeling is mutual, bro.  I worry about you every time GCW Livewire comes on the air.  You’re fighting Adam Craig’s battle and why?  Loyalty to a friend?”

“That’s what friendship is all about.” Steve remarks, nodding his head. He points a finger at  his sister. “What about you?  You and Aphrodite seem to be making enemies quickly in Underground.”

“You mean Kimmi and King?” She rolls her eyes. “Kimmi is no longer a problem.  King will be dealt with.”

“And what about Brookford?” Steve asks.  Powers doesn’t answer right away.  Steve chuckles and just nods his head. “That’s what I thought.”

“Brookford will not be a problem, Steve.  Trust me.”

“We’ll see, won’t we?”

The Most Valuable Powers sighs as she stands up off of the sofa and then begins to make her way out of the living room and into the kitchen.  Steve follows her into the kitchen where he spots his sister raiding the refrigerator.  She produces a cheerwine, pops the top, and begins to drink.  She turns around and spots her brother and frowns.


“Nothing for your big bro?” He asks with a smirk.

“No!” She sticks her tongue out at him and then walks back into the living room.  Powers flops down onto the living room sofa.  Steve sits back down as well.  He shakes his head.

“There is one thing you’re right about sis.”

“What’s that?”

“Kimmi.  How the hell does she continue to keep getting shots at you?”

“Who the hell knows?!” She exclaims, shrugging her shoulders. “Me and Aphrodite keep beating her, again and again, and somehow she keeps getting opportunity after opportunity.  It makes zero logical sense.  None.  She can come up with whatever excuses she wants, the point is that she’s had many chances, many opportunities that OTHER athletes in the Underground could have had, but she is getting them because she’s nothing more than an entitled little brat.”

“Kinda like how you were acting earlier about your wedding, am I right?” Steve winks.  Aubrey glares angrily at him for a few seconds before spitting some cheerwine in his face.  Steve is stunned and wipes some of the spit and soda out of his face.

“What was that for?!”

“You figure it out, asshole!”


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