Friendship Matters

October 7th, 2019
Off Camera

The beautiful blonde haired (with pink tips!) Aubrianna Powers is walking with a determined stride in her step and a noticeably upset look on her face.  It really doesn’t make sense that she would be even a little upset.  The Most Valuable Powers, along with her teammates KALI and Jennifer Helms, was victorious on Emerge in the first round of a tournament that will decide who will step into the brutal, violent Pyramid structure and face Willow Wilkes for the Emerge Championship.  The MVP also managed to secure a contract with Supreme Championship Wrestling, a contract she has long sought after and one that is very lucrative and provides enough opportunities to further her career.  Powers should be quite pleased with how things have been going lately…

“Thanks for letting us come along, Aubrey!”

That’s the voice of her oldest brother, “The Very Best”...insert big cheesy grin here...Steve Powers.  He is the reason for The MVP being upset this evening, an evening where she and her teammates advanced in the tournament against Sundown, Melissa Killgraves, and Desiree Devna.  It was her brother who recently opened up his own wrestling school in their hometown of Charlotte, North Carolina.  Not only does he want The MVP to be involved in this little experiment of his, but more specifically he wants his sister to help him with one student in particular…

...the much larger individual following closely behind; a gentleman by the name of David Moore.

“Yeah, thanks ma’am.” Moore responds meekly.  For a large monster of a man, he appears to be rather meek, Powers observes.  Her brother Steve chuckles under his breath.

“Don’t call her ma’am.  She’s not old.  Call her Aubrey.”

Upon hearing this, The MVP stops dead in her tracks, spins around and gets up in Steve’s face. “Are you trying to get him killed?” She snaps angrily. “No one gets away with calling me Aubrey except for friends and family.”

The backstage area has already emptied for the most part as Emerge has concluded, so no one is here to observe The MVP’s tantrum.  Steve Powers, who had been wearing his sunglasses, lowers them and looks into his sister’s eyes with a smirk of his own etched across his face.

“You know I like to get under your skin, sis.”

“And you know how it annoys the piss out of me!” She exclaims.  Aubrey then turns and looks over at Moore, who had been silently observing this bickering the entire time.  Powers sighs and shakes her head.

“Fine…” her voice trails off.  Moore tilts his head to one side out of curiosity.


“ can call me Aubrey.”

“Told ya!” Steve elbows David in the ribs. “She acts tough but she’s a softie deep down, aren’t ya sis?”

“I do not have sneakers on, Steve.”

“Huh?” The older Powers sounds confused by his sister’s rather random comment.

“I said that I do not have sneakers on.” She points down, to her high heel boots.

“What does that have to do with anything?” He asks.  Aubrianna smirks knowingly.

“Keep pushing it, Steve.  Keep pressing your luck with me and then I will find out just what happens if I perform The Most Valuable Kick while wearing heels.  I have been rather curious…” her voice trails off.  Steve, not wanting to tempt fate, backs off a little.  This causes their larger friend David to snicker at Steve.

“Are we clear now, Steve?” Aubrianna asks.  Steve nods his head.


“Good.” She turns around. “Now let’s go.”

“Hold on, ma’am…” David catches himself “...uh, Aubrey.”  He reaches out and offers to take her gym bag. “Let me take that.”

“Really?” She asks, somewhat surprised by how polite he is.  He nods his head and he does appear to be sincere.  She shrugs her shoulders and hands him her gym bag.  David smiles warmly.  “Thanks.”

“My pleasure.  In fact, let me go bring the car around.  You and your brother can wait here.”

All of this friendliness most definitely takes The MVP off guard.  Aubrey is not one to look a gift horse in the mouth.  If he’s willing to make things easier, let him.  She shrugs her shoulders. “Uh, sure.  Go for it.”

Aubrianna and Steve watch as David continues his walk while they hang back.  Once David is out of hearing range, Steve turns to face his sister and smirks knowingly. “What do you have to say about him now?”


“Yeah, seriously.” Steve answers with a nod of his head.

“All I have to say is that I refuse to do your babysitting for you, Steve!” Aubrey remarks with venom dripping from her voice.

“Oh come on, Aubrey, you’re being unreasonable…”

“Unreasonable?  How the hell am I being unreasonable, idiot?  I’m not the one who decided that starting this stupid wrestling school was a grand idea.  I’m not the one who decided to start taking in strays.” She points a long slender finger at Steve. “That was all you, bro.”

“I’m not taking in strays.”

“What do you call him then?!” The blonde demands placing her hands upon her hips.  Steve sighs and shakes his head.

“He’s just a guy who needs a little help, that’s all.”

“And you apparently think it’s our job to help him?”  Aubrey glares angrily at her older brother. “Look, I get why you’re doing this.  It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that you are clearly feeling guilty about shit you’ve done in the past, and some stupid shit you’ve said in the past, and you’re hoping that by helping this big oaf that you will somehow redeem yourself, that you will feel better about yourself.  Tell me I’m wrong!”

Aubrianna waits for her brother to answer.  His silence is telling.  The MVP chuckles. “Helping him won’t change a damn thing about the past, Steve.  All you can do, all I can do, all any of us can do, is just move on.  We just look to the future and hope for better days ahead.  We cannot right the wrongs of the past.  Are you hearing me?”

“Yeah, I hear ya…” Steve says with a sigh as he starts to walk off “...I just don’t know if your head is in the right place.”

“What do you mean by that?” She demands.  Steve stops walking and turns to face his sister.

“You think what I’m doing for David is pointless; so what would you suggest I do?”

“I already told you, idiot.  Live for the present and plan for the future.” Powers informs him.  Steve sighs.

“Ok, then what would you suggest I do about David?”

Steve Powers stands there and waits for an answer from his sister.  This time it is her silence that is quite telling.  There is only one logical answer and she doesn’t want to say it.  “Aubrey, you know it isn’t right to just dump in like a bad habit.”

“Yeah, I know…” her voice trails off.

“Listen,” he approaches his sister “if you don’t want to help me that’s fine.  I understand completely.  I just think he could benefit from your wisdom, you know?”

“My wisdom?!” Aubrey is genuinely surprised by this compliment from her brother.  Steve nods his head in response.

“Honestly, sis, you are the wisest of the family.  Derek may not admit it but you are smarter than both of us.  I just thought your common sense approach to thinks would help him out.  That’s all.  But if you don’t want to help…”

“Look, Steve,” she interrupts him “I am not saying I will continue to help, because I admit that this is annoying.  You and him both cramp my style.  But…” her voice trails off.

“But what?”

“I’ll think about it.” The MVP answers firmly.

On Camera

“The following presentation is brought to you by The Most Valuable Friendship, reminding you that friendship matter…”

The cameras begin to roll and the scene fades in with quiet, classical music being played in the background.  A few moments later “The MVP” Aubrianna Powers enters into the scene from stage right.  The beautiful pink tipped blonde haired MVP is wearing black leather pants, black boots, and a sparkly sleeveless black top.  A confident smirk is etched across her lovely face.

“And we have finally arrived, that time of year again…” Powers snickers knowingly “, I don’t mean Halloween silly, I mean the finals of this triple threat challenge.  Although it isn’t a triple threat, it’s six person tag matches, but who wants to split hairs, am I right?”

The MVP shrugs her shoulders. “But then again, you could compare this to Halloween in at least one sense.  This is like trick or treating.   You started with four groups three, all looking to play the ultimate ‘trick’ on the other in hopes of obtaining the ultimate opportunity at the Emerge Championship.  Myself, KALI, and Jennifer Helms, The Most Valuable Limitless Friendship, have already dashed the hopes of one team and we have made it one step closer to that ultimate treat everyone is seeking.”

Powers holds up one finger. “Just one obstacle stands in our way.  Just one group stands in our way; YUYO, Sierra Swann, and Christian Cannon.  And this is perhaps the biggest challenge for The Most Valuable Limitless Friendship because think about it, we had the advantage last round because me and KALI at least did have some chemistry going in.  This time you would expect Cannon and Swann to also have that same kind of chemistry me and KALI have.  And YUYO…”

The MVP shakes her head “ hold a very special place in my heart.  You managed to win that piece of gold I was seeking in my EMERGE debut, the Spirit Championship.  Don’t think I’m about to let you off easy for that one.  Hate to sound like the Dos Equis commercial but I don’t always lose, but when I do I always get my revenge.  You can bet on that.  That Spirit Title Tournament should have been mine, that title should have been mine, and now I will take some solace in dashing your dreams of competing for the Emerge Championship.”

A smirk forms upon her face. “Oh but ending the dreams of a Swann, a Cannon, and a tiny little pretend princess isn’t my only motivation, even though I can assure you I will take pleasure in doing so.  No, my motivation comes from my friends; Jennifer Helms and KALI because we ARE The Most Valuable Limitless Friendship and remember, FRIENDSHIP MATTERS!”


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