The Very Best Wrestling School
September 27th,
Off Camera
Emerge has already
got its first taste of what it can expect from the self-proclaimed MVP of
Emerge. Aubrianna Powers made her debut
at Invasion Miami and while she did earn an impressive victory over Madeline
Masters in round one of the Spirit Championship Contender’s tournament, she
would fall to Jake Shelley. Her attempt
to win the Spirit Championship in this tournament on her debut night as an
Emerge superstar came up far too short. While
most would be pleased with the fact that they did at least win their debut
match, this is not the case for The MVP.
Powers holds herself to a higher standard than most professional
athletes; some may argue that her standards are unrealistically high. “Simply The Best” and “The MVP” are not just
gimmicks for the beautiful blonde, it is the bar that she strives to reach each
and every time she steps into a wrestling ring.
Powers has
an opportunity to right the ship in a big way, as she teams with her friends
Kali and Rush Champion Jennifer Helms as part of a tournament. And while tournaments have not necessarily
been kind to The MVP as of late, this particular tournament provides an
incredible reward if the trio can somehow pull off this victory. The winning team will participate in the
Pyramid against Willow Wilkes for the Emerge Championship. This one failure at Invasion Miami can easily
be forgotten if she can win her way into an Emerge Championship match and
become the top title holder in this company.
That is
where her focus should be and she knows it.
Unfortunately she finds herself on her way down the streets on the
outskirts of Charlotte, North Carolina. Powers is not driving, she is far too
frustrated to drive right now. In the drivers’
seat sits her fiancée, Dexter Russell.
The wrestling journalist can tell by the enraged look on his future wife’s
face that she is not pleased.
“I’m sure your brother has a good reason for
calling you out here. This is Steve, he
has a reason for everything.” Dexter says, hoping his wife will buy his
“If you actually believe that crap you’re
spewing then you clearly do not know my brother.” The MVP snaps back with
venom dripping from her voice. “His ideas
are almost always crazy and completely illogical.”
“Did he at least tell you what this is
about?” Dexter asks. Powers lets out
a loud, frustrated sigh.
He just wanted me to come to this old gym.”
“An old gym?” Dexter asks
curiously. Powers is still angry but is
starting to calm down a little as she nods her head.
It’s where Steve learned to be a wrestler. He trained and honed his craft there. He would later be there with Derek as he,
too, learned to be a pro-wrestler at that same facility.”
“Can I safely assume that you also learned
how to be a wrestler there?” Dexter asks. Powers nods her head.
“Of course.
I learned under the tutelage of my brothers, Steve and Derek. But I haven’t been back to that training
facility in a long time. I have grown,
Dex. I am better than that place and
Steve knows it. The only logical reason
I can see him wanting to drag me back here is for some stupid nostalgia crap
and if that’s the case, if this is just about freaking nostalgia, then he is
wasting my damn time! I have a GCW
commitment this weekend, next weekend I have an Underground commitment, and I
have an Emerge commitment in little over a week…”
“You could get some workout in?” Dexter
offers with a jovial grin. He knows this
will get Aubrey hot. The blonde sticks her tongue out at Dexter.
“Shut up, Dex.”
“Well, you could…” his voice trails
off. Powers sighs and nods her head.
“Yes, I could, but like I said, I don’t need
to be there. And I don’t want to be
there. This is a waste of my time.”
Russell decides it is best to exercise his right to remain silent in this
case. He just continues to drive on down
the road until what appears to be an old, run down, seemingly abandoned
building comes into view. The journalist
recognizes a vehicle parked in front; it is Steve’s car. This clearly must be the place Aubrianna is
referring to. As if that evidence wasn’t
enough, The MVP points with her slender finger towards the run down building.
“There it is!” Powers exclaims. Dexter nods and slows the car down enough so
that he can safely turn in and park his car in front of this abandoned building
right in front of Steve’s vehicle. Dexter
opens his driver’s side door and starts to get out but Powers grabs him by the
arm and pulls him back in.
You stay.” She states in a demanding tone. Dexter stares at her curiously.
“Are you sure?”
“Trust me.
This will not take long.” She points at the run down building. “I’m going to march into that hell hole and
give my brother a piece of my mind and come back out here so we can leave.”
“A hell hole?” Dexter asks curiously. “You surely have good memories of this place. You trained here.”
“Good memories?” Aubrianna says in a scoffing
tone before exiting the car and slamming the door behind her. Dexter is curious as to just what is
bothering her. Clearly there is
something she is not telling him but he decides to press the issue. As for Powers herself, she marches intensely
and with determination towards the front door of the gym. It all looks the same to her since the last
time she was here. Very little has
changed. As she flings the front door
open and steps inside she notices that the inside of this facility hasn’t
changed any either. There is a standard
four sided wrestling ring set up in the center of the room. That part of the setup is definitely new, as
the last time she was here the ring had been taken apart. Another oddity about this setup is the fact
that her brother, Steve Powers, stands in the center along with an overgrown
giant of a man.
“STEVE!” She exclaims in a loud, shrill voice.
Steve Powers and the giant turn and gaze at Aubrianna. “What
the hell, man?!”
“Give me a sec…” Steve says to the big
man before exiting the ring. He walks
towards his sister and she walks towards him.
They meet halfway. Steve, whose
nickname in pro-wrestling was ‘The Very Best’, gazes down at her with a grin. “…you don’t look very happy.”
“No shit, Sherlock.” Aubrey snaps. “I have important things to do, I have
places to go and wrestling commitments to make.
But instead you drag me back here to this dump. Do you mind telling me why?”
“This is not a dump, sis. This is where you became The Very Best…”
Steve flashes a big toothy grin “…trainee
I ever had!”
“Your only trainee, dipshit.” The blonde
female retorts.
“Details, details, point is that this place
isn’t full of the bad memories that you remember.”
“I’d rather not talk about it.” Steve’s
sister remarks quietly, motioning to the big man still in the ring. “Especially with strangers present.”
“Right…” Steve nods his head “…anyway, yeah, there may be some bad
memories, but we can fill them new memories, GOOD memories, because I am going
to refurbish this place, give it a complete makeover, and open it as a wrestling
“Are you freaking kidding me?!” Aubrey
remarks out of shock. The Very Best
shakes his head.
“Not kidding! I’m dead serious, sis! Care to guess what I’m gonna call it?”
“The Very Best Wrestling School.” Aubrey
answers. Steve furrows his brow.
How’d you know?”
“Because referring to everything associated
with your stupid ass as The Very Best is your lame as fuck gimmick!”
“It isn’t lame! It was cool!”
“It was cool in 2000, dumbass. It isn’t cool today.” Aubrey states
coldly with venom.
“You really are angry today.” The older
sibling remarks with a chuckle, almost as if he is amused at his sister’s
current angst. “What got your panties in
a bunch?”
“I already told you, idiot!” She
exclaims. “I have commitments, a LOT of
them quite frankly, and I do not want to miss any of them. But you’re distracting me with this wrestling
school nonsense…”
“It isn’t nonsense.” He shakes his head.
“It is nonsense because the very idea of you
leading anyone to greatness is absurd.” Aubrianna states coldly. Her brother points a finger at her.
“I led YOU to greatness.” Steve says
with a knowing smirk upon his face.
Aubrey rolls her eyes.
“Even a blind squirrel will find the nut
once in a while. You get one thing right
and you think you’re a master.”
“No, I am not a master. I am The Very Best…” he flashes a big
toothy grin “…Steve Powers!”
“Quit that!” Aubrey exclaims. “There is no audience! No fans!
There is no need to use your stupid catchphrase!”
“Technically we do have an audience.” Steve
again motions to the giant of a man who still stands in the ring alone, waiting
for their conversation to conclude.
Aubrey rolls her eyes.
“Shut up, Steve. Is this all you wanted to tell me? This wrestling school? If so, then I’m leaving. Like I said, I have other commitments and…”
“Yeah, about that.” Steve reaches into
his coat pocket and produces a piece of paper.
He passes it to his sister who takes it and starts to read it. Her eyes grow wide as she looks up at her
“Is this what I think it is?”
I spoke with Sasha D…Sasha…whatever her name is, I spoke with her. She’s smoking hot by the way.”
“Of course that’s the first thing that comes
to your filthy mind.” Aubrey spits.
“Well she is!” He shakes his head. “Anyway,
these are some the terms to a potential SCW contract.”
“Potential?” She asks curiously. Steve nods his head.
“Yeah, potential. SCW officials want to meet with you first
before giving you any specific terms but this is about what it would look
like. They are definitely interested in
bringing you on board, sis, and I think you should give it a shot.”
“I would love to be a part of something as
big as SCW but…” the beautiful blonde sighs and shakes her head “…I can’t; I would probably have to leave
Emerge and I cannot abandon my friends.”
“If you mean Kali then she’s nuts. No one will blame you for leaving her high
and dry.”
“She’s my friend, Steve!” She exclaims.
“Seriously?” Steve asks, sounding
somewhat shocked. “I thought you were
just using the nutcase.”
“No, she is my friend. And I don’t want to leave her on her own in
Emerge. Especially not now.”
“And that is precisely my point.” Steve
Powers remarks, his voice taking on a more serious tone. “Silas Mason, Aiken Frost, The Unforgiven, all of this is a perfect
storm that could lead to disaster for your career. There are idiots in that damn company who
want to play hero, idiots like that Tommy Wasley fool and Moustache Ride, they’re
gonna get massacred, just like Schmidt, just like Skyy. And you could end up the same way if you
stares at her brother for a few moments.
She rarely sees him like this, with emotion and concern on his
face. But it is obvious that is worried
about her. A smirk forms upon the
beautiful blonde’s face.
worried about me.”
“Of course I
am. You are my baby sister, you always
will be, and I don’t want to see anything happen to you.” Tears form in Steve’s
eyes. He wipes them away. “Sorry…”
“It’s ok, bro. And it is touching that you are concerned for
my safety, and you’re right, it is a dangerous time to be in Emerge right
now. The smart thing to do would be to
leave town. But I’m not the kind of
person who abandons my friends. Kali and
Jennifer [Helms] need me to play my part in this tournament and if we can win
all three of us get an Emerge title match.” She puts the paper up in Steve’s
face. “If I take this offer and leave
Emerge, then I leave Jennifer and Kali in a two on one situation. It benefits me, sure, but it screws them
over. I won’t do that.”
The older
Powers sighs and shakes his head in disappointment. “Look,
will you at least promise to talk to SCW?
Talk to Sasha?”
“I can do that.” Aubrey answers, nodding
her head. “But regardless of whether I
sign a contract or not, I am going to see this tournament through to its
conclusion. I will not abandon my
Steve sighs
and nods his head. “I suppose that’s a
good compromise.”
“It’s the best you’re gonna get, bro.”
She leans in and embraces him in a tight hug. “Now quit worrying about me, ok?”
“You know I can’t do that.” Steve winks
at her. Aubrianna chuckles lightly. She
motions to the big man inside of the wrestling ring.
“Uh, bro, before I leave care to tell me who
your friend is?”
“Oh him!
I almost forgot!” Steve grabs his sister by the hand and practically
drags her over to the ring. “I wanted you
to meet the first student of The Very Best…” Steve stops to flash his big
toothy grin “…Wrestling School!”
“Do you have to do the damn grin every time
you say that?!” Aubrey asks, clearly annoyed as they stop in front of the
ring. Steve nods his head.
“Yes!” He motions to the giant to come
over towards them. He easily steps over
the top rope and exits the ring, joining Steve and Aubrianna outside of the
ring. “David, this is my sister Aubrianna.
Aubrey, this is David Moore and he is the inspiration behind this
wrestling school.”
“An inspiration?” Aubrey laughs. “I find it difficult that my brother would
be inspired by anything.”
“Nahce to meetcha, ma’am.” Moore says, extending
his enormous hand out for Aubrianna to grasp.
Her delicate hands are engulfed.
The blonde looks up at her brother and furrows her brow curiously.
“Where did you find him?”
“Mind if we talk alone?” Steve says to
David. David shrugs and walks off to the
side. Steve then leans in to whisper to
his sister so that Moore cannot hear.
“He doesn’t really have a home to speak of.”
“What?!” Aubrey exclaims in shock. Steve
shakes his head.
“No, he’s been staying with me recently but
look at him; the muscles, the raw power he possesses, he could make a career
out of wrestling. He could save
himself. He just needs a chance, you
know? And that’s the purpose behind this
school. I want to give people a chance
to make something of themselves. Starting
with him.”
The MVP shakes
her head. “You have changed, Steve. You are not the same asshole who used to take
advantage of anyone and everyone in this business. You’re not the same jerk who said this was a
cutthroat dog eat dog world. Is this
some kind of path of redemption for you?”
“Maybe it is?” Steve shrugs his
shoulders. “But don’t you think this
whole family could use some good karma instead of the tons of bad karma we’ve
built up over the years? Let’s just help
that guy, you and me. That’s what I want
to do.”
“You’re not involving Derek?” Aubrey
asks, referring to the middle Powers sibling.
Steve shakes his head.
“No, not yet at least. Just you and me.” He holds out his hand. “What do you say?”
Aubrianna sighs
and accepts the handshake. “I’m probably
going to regret this.”
“Yeah, you probably will…” Steve pulls
her in for a tight hug.
On Camera
Friendship. True friendship is about loyalty and
dedication but most importantly commitment to one another. Many of you out there have questioned my
sanity in remaining a part of Emerge after what happened at Invasion Miami,
after the chaos that was the absolute destruction and devastation of The
Unforgiven and realizing that there will surely be more of that to come. And that isn’t even to mention the fact that
Silas Mason and Aiken Frost have a joint fifty percent share of interest in
this company. Of course the wisest of
moves would be to abandon Emerge to its own demise. Drew Bryant created this situation. Is a battle with The Unforgiven or a battle
with Silas Mason and Aiken Frost really worth my time? Is it worth my career?
Once upon a
time I would’ve taken my ball and gone home.
After all, this isn’t my fight. I
only just made my debut in Emerge at Invasion Miami. I have nothing invested in this company and
no reason really to want to see it succeed or fail. Once upon a time I would have taken a look at
that situation and just left, because I have no need to risk my neck for
something that doesn’t involve me.
selfish. And it’s not friendship. And my friends, specifically Kali and my new
friend and new Rush Champion Jennifer Helms, need me. They need The Most Valuable Powers to show up
at her very best against Devna, Killgraves, and the monster Sundown. They need me to be exactly what I say I am
and that is Simply The Best. And this
match is just step one, if we survive that battle then we have one more battle
on the horizon before we can declare victory in this war and the prize for the
winners of this war is an opportunity at the Emerge Championship.
Miami was certainly an eye opener in terms of what I got myself into but at the
same time I am not willing to abandon my friends. Kali, Jennifer, and myself, we are The Most
Valuable Limitless Friendship and together we’re going to squash Devna’s
dreams, we’re going to stop Killgraves dead in her tracks, and we will bury Sundown. No one will stop us from punching our ticket
to the Pyramid. And no one will stop ONE
of us from becoming Emerge Champion. And
there is nothing anyone can do about it.
Nothing except…
…learn to
love it, bitches.
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