
Off Camera

To say that “business has picked up” for Aubrianna Powers would be an understatement.  Ever since winning the HKW Tapout Championship at Nevermind Destiny, her wrestling career has taken a drastic shift in excitement.  For starters, the Underground Cult Classic Tournament has begun.  Four brackets of competitors, sixteen people in each bracket, for a total of sixty four total competitors.  Competed in round robin style, Aubrianna knew in advance that she would be in for a grueling war but thus far she has persevered.  She defeated Minerva Janus, Becky Clemente, and Sandy Makel in her first three matches of the tournament.  But things only get busier and more challenging from there.  Mason Mannion is her next opponent, not to mention she has Kimmi Keister in her bracket and begging for a title opportunity as well as Aphrodite Noel who already has a guaranteed singles title opportunity promised to her due to a victory in a battle royal.

The Cult Classic isn’t the only reason Powers is busy these days.  Her focus is split, not just on Underground but on Global Championship Wrestling where she is scheduled for an elimination chamber match for the vacant GCW Global Championship.  GCW is split into two brands, Shotgun and Livewire, and each has its own world championship variant.  A victory here would be Aubrianna’s first world championship in her young career and she would have done it in less than two years as a professional.

Needless to say, Aubrianna knows that she’s in for rough days ahead.  Thus before she makes the trip to Amsterdam, Netherlands for her next match in the Cult Classic  Tournament, she has scheduled time to meet with one of her two older brothers, “The Very Best” Steve Powers, at a local gym he owns for training and, more importantly, advice from the veteran.

The concrete floor is gray and the walls are painted an off-white color, at least the walls that still have paint on them, as most of the paint on the walls have begun to peel.  There is a standard wrestling set up in the center, weights scattered all over the floor.  At one of the far ends of the room is a red heavy bag.  The Tapout Champion is standing there at the heavy bag dressed in a pair of workout shorts, black tanktop, and her long beautiful blonde hair is pulled into a ponytail in the back.  She is one deadly kicker and striker, and for these upcoming matches she wants to be on top of her game, thus she is throwing kick after vicious kick at the heavy bag.

With each kick, from roundhouse kicks to jumping spin kicks, The Most Valuable Powers grunts loudly and the bag heaves back and forth.  Her focus is solid and her eyes are intense.  She seems ready for anything.  Until…

“Hey, Aubrey!”

“Mother fucker!” Aubrianna stops mid kick and turns around in time to spot her oldest brother, “The Very Best” Steve Powers.  He stands there with a cheesy grin on his face, dressed in a t-shirt, denim jeans, and black boots.  He has a cd in his right hand which he offers out to Aubrianna.

“I was busy, moron!”

“Yeah, I could tell.” He points to the bag. “Good work on the bag.  You were really nailing it.”

“I could have done more had you not interrupted.  Oh and by the way, DON’T CALL ME AUBREY!”

“Why not?” Steve smirks. “Am I not in the elite club?”

“No, you’re not.” She shakes her head. “Only Dexter can.”

“And Chantelle Chambers.” Steve points out.


“And Trinity Street.”

“Of course…”

“And The Sloane Sisters.”


“Rachel Lee.”

“SHUT UP!” Aubrianna shouts angrily. “You made your point!”

“Yeah, you always hated that name. Mom and dad called you Aubrey all your life and the moment you moved out you refused to let anyone except those closest to you use that name.  You won’t even let me and Derek call you Aubrey.”

“I may let Dickie Harter call me Aubrey, come to think of it…” she muses out loud, which brings a shocked reaction from Steve.

“Wait, what?!”

“Yes, Dickie.”

“The idiot who you say is a walking sexual innuendo?”

“Right, and he is…I mean, look at his first name…but still, he’s not that bad a guy once you get past….um…everything…”

“Geez,” Steve sighs and shakes his head “anyway, take this.”

“What is it?” Aubrianna takes the cd out of Steve’s hand.

“It’s some footage of Mason Mannion in action.  I did your homework for you, AUBREY.  You’re welcome.”

“Thanks, bro.” She sticks her tongue out at Steve.

“From what I saw he seems to have issues against strikers.”  Immediately upon saying this, Aubrianna’s eyes light up like a Christmas tree.

“Is that so?”

“Yes, so my advice is try to use your striking offense as much as possible.  I know you can adapt well but striking is your best field, do not let him change it up, especially not to a power based match.  That’s HIS wheelhouse.  Keep it as a striking match and you are golden.”

“Of course I’m golden. I’m THE Tapout Champion!” She embraces Steve in a tight hug. “Thanks, bro.  You’re the best.”

“No problem.”

“Any chance you have any advice for the elimination chamber match at GCW Survival of the Fittest?”

“Honestly, prepare for the worst case scenario and worst case scenario for you would be starting the match.  If you don’t come in until later, or best case scenario you get to enter last, that’s an advantage because you can rest while everyone else destroys one another.  It’s best to prepare for the possibility that you have to enter first and go bell to bell.  If that’s the case, you have to think of the chamber as a marathon not a sprint.  Don’t use up all of your energy too soon.  In that sense, it is similar to the Cult Classic.  You may have to endure a lot of pain and torture before you reach the finish line.”

“So endurance is key?”

“Precisely.” Steve nods his head. “You could beat the ever living crap out of your opponent but it means nothing if you end up expending everything you got and get ousted early on.”

Powers smirk becomes a wide grin as she gazes off into the distance. “Just think, Steve…I debuted in April of 2017.”

“I remember.”

“I quickly became MCW World Tag Team Champion and GCW International Champion.  Now I am HKW Tapout Champion.  In a little over two weeks time I could win the GCW Global Championship.  In little less than two years I would be a company’s world champion.”

“I got to admit, you rise to the top has been extraordinary.” He chuckles. “I’ll never tell Derek this, but I am beginning to think of the three of us, you are the best.”

“You know it; soon the world will soon know it.” She smirks arrogantly, confidently.

You cannot fight destiny…

…except for this little bitch named Destiny in GCW.  I could kick her ass any damn time I wanted and I look forward to watching my BFF Chantelle Chambers whip her ass all over Canada.  Kick her ass, Chantelle!

Anyway, under any other circumstance, you CANNOT fight destiny.  Once destiny has been written in stone, you cannot fight it.  There’s no use resisting.  Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.  It isn’t like you can do anything about it.

Case in point; my debut as a professional wrestler back in April of 2017 was a sign from destiny itself.  Destiny had declared that The Powers family name would be elevated to greatness, The Powers family name would become ROYALTY in the world of professional wrestling.

Destiny had declared that I would be the flag bearer of greatness for a new, younger generation of superstars.  I would be the leader of a new generation, a generation who is in desperate need of true leadership.

Look at the business today, it looks to washed up hacks like Angelica Jones to be a leader.  She never knows when to quit and she keeps coming back trying to be relevant.  This business needed me to kick her old ginger ass back into reality.

Then this business looks to lunatics like MOST of the Lasiewicz family.  Look at Jessica, for instance, she thinks she’s some kind of fucking god now.  Well guess what? I kicked god’s ass twice!

As soon as I made my debut I started to set things right.  I went undefeated for most of my rookie year, winning the MCW World Tag Team championship in the process.  I would eventually win the GCW International Championship and now I stand before you as the HKW Tapout Champion.

Bow down before your Tapout Queen, bitches.

Things are coming together for me, exactly as I planned it.  I’m going to kick five other asses at GCW Survival of the Fittest and win my first world championship, during my sophomore year as a professional wrestler.  All the while continuing my  march through the entire Tapout Bracket, beating every lame ass loser from bell to bell, on my way to winning the entire Cult Classic.

It is my destiny to dominate this business, because I am Monarchy, so learn to love it, bitches.


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