Haters Gonna Hate

Off Camera

“See this, Dex?  This is how it should always be.”

Dexter Russell, professional wrestling journalist and boyfriend of the new Tapout Champion Aubrianna Powers, is driving down the road towards the hotel he and Aubrianna are staying.  Powers, his girlfriend, is in the passenger’s seat next to him.  She has changed out of her wrestling gear and back into her more comfortable clothes; an ankle length loose maxi skirt, flip flops, and a t-shirt which reads “Most Valuable Powers” on the front in hot pink lettering.  She is staring with wide-eyed awe at her newest trophy: the Tapout Championship belt.  It rests in her lap and she has not taken her eyes or her hands off of it since winning it earlier in the evening from Lambert Jr. and Makel in a triple threat match.

“I wish I could see it, Aubrey…especially considering how I probably haven’t yet memorized how it looks after the first dozen or so times you’ve shown me that belt…” sarcasm seems to drip from Dexter’s voice as he smirks knowingly “…but I am driving, and I probably shouldn’t take my eyes off of the road.”

“Smart ass.”Aubrianna sticks her tongue out at Dexter.

“You’re right, I am smart, and an ass,” he chuckles “and I am also proud of you, Aubrey.”

“Aww, you’re so sweet!”

“But…” Dexter’s voice trails off.  This causes Aubrianna to arch a brow.

“But?  There are no ‘buts’ Dex, I won this thing.  Just like I said I would.”

“Yeah, you did, with a little help from your friend chloroform.”

The pink tipped blonde beauty rolls her eyes. “Big deal!  Results are all that matter, right?  Point is that I won.”

She points a finger at Dexter. “It isn’t like YOU haven’t helped me before.”

“This is true.” He nods his head. “And honestly, I regret it.”


“Aubrey, you’ve managed to outwit your opponents at every turn.  You outsmarted the likes of Dickie Harter, Fallon Lockhart, Raksha, and now Sandy Makel and James Lambert Jr., all of this to become Tapout Champion.”

“You’re right,” she taps the side of her head “I’m smarter than them.  And as good as you might be, at the end of the day sometimes it all comes down to mere intelligence and I guarantee you, Dex, that I am the smartest person on the Underground roster.”

“I don’t doubt that, but take it from me, I’ve been in this business just as long as you have, so you should know that what I’m about to say is true.  People will eventually catch onto your tricks.  Your opponents will eventually figure you out.”

“I know that, sweetie.  But you should know by now that I’m never one to rest on my laurels.  I don’t just learn from my mistakes, I always strive to learn, regardless of the situation.  Why do you think I wanted to join up with Monarchy?”

“Trinity Street.” Dexter responds with a sigh.

“Bingo.  I wanted to learn from her and from all of the others she recruited.  The lessons I learned from Monarchy are a big part of why I’m here tonight with this Tapout Championship.” She grins knowingly as she casts a gaze back down at the title belt “Trust me, babe, I’m ready to defend this against all comers.”

“And what about Cult Classic?”


“I’ve done my homework, Aubrey. I am a journalist, remember?” He chuckles. “I don’t know much yet, admittedly, but I know it’s coming up.  Are you ready?”

“Dex, sweetie, I am ready for anything.  People told me not to get my hopes up, that I would struggle early on, and then I won my first championship, the MCW World Tag Team Championship, in my fourth match as a pro.  They said it was a fluke and yet in GCW I went on to have a massive winning streak that only their global champion could stop and even then I pushed her to her limit.  Before my rookie year was out I won my second championship, the GCW International Championship.  My critics in GCW said I couldn’t go sixty minutes in an Iron Man Match but I did.  Then they said I couldn’t handle a second company…” The Most Valuable Powers throws her head back and laughs. “…now I’m a part of Underground and I’m only in my second year as a pro and I have my third championship, the Tapout Championship.  People have doubted me and I always rise to the occasion.  This will be no different.”

On Camera

Where to start?  Oh where to start?

How about I start with the haters in Underground?  Haters are gonna hate…yeah, I’m looking at you, Dickie, you piece of crap…but now I get to shove this nice cute decorative piece of gold title belt in your damn face!  It’s the Tapout Championship and it’s mine!  It’s all mine!

I told each and every one of you that I am The Underground MVP and now I have the undeniable proof that I am as good as I say I am.  But The Most Valuable Powers is not done there.  I will continue to silence my critics and make the haters eat crow.  And maybe I’ll add yet another impressive trophy to my always growing trophy case…

How does Cult Classic MVP sound?  If you don’t like it, too bad.  Learn to love it, bitches, because I’m going to make it a fucking reality.

Oh and then there’s my haters in Global Championship Wrestling.  I bet you losers are real happy that Brittany Kayl is the International Champion?  I bet you are real happy that she took the title from me at For Glory & Gold?  Well she can have that stupid piece of tin and all of the responsibilities that go along with it.  Monarchy’s MVP always sets her eyes to the future and my future involves bigger and better things.

Survival of the Fittest I’m in the elimination chamber match competing for the Global Championship.  By November, I could be the face of the Livewire Brand of GCW.  Then how would you haters feel about that?

Haters are gonna hate and Aubrianna Powers will just continue to rub it in their faces.


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