Don't Doubt Me
Off Camera
We open in
the uptown Charlotte area outside of Barrington’s restaurant. People are coming and going but one couple
that is heading down the sidewalk towards the front doors is a couple that is
quickly become known in certain parts of the wrestling world and is already
famous in Charlotte; North Carolina natives Aubrianna Powers, a wrestler by
trade, and her boyfriend Dexter Russell, a journalist. Dexter is wearing a nice button up silk shirt,
Duke royal blue blazer, and matching blue pants. Powers is dressed in a black sheath dress
that certainly catches the eye with its seductive lace. A wide neckline gently clings to her
shoulders. Her feet are encased in
strappy high heeled shoes.
Dexter takes
her by the hand and the couple makes their way forward and towards the
door. They push the door open and step
inside. The walls are gray and the
floors are a cream color. There are a
mixture of tables and booths but mostly tables and the tablecloths are a cream
color that matches the floors. The
entire restaurant looks extravagant.
Immediately upon entering the restaurant, Aubrianna and Dexter are met
by a greeter, a female dressed mostly in black and with a pleasant grin on her
“Welcome to Barrington’s!” She says,
beaming. “Party of two?”
“Correct,” Dexter nods his head, “we have reservations. The name is Russell.”
“Oh yeah, Dexter and Aubrianna! That’s right!” The young lady picks up
two menus and motions for the young couple to follow her. “This way, please, we already have your table set up and everything.”
and Dexter follow the young female greeter as she leads them deeper into the
restaurant. Eventually they come to a
table near the center of the room. It is
a two seater, one for Dexter and one for Aubrianna. The greeter places the menus down but it is
Dexter who continues playing the role of gentleman, pulling out the chair for Aubrianna
to sit down before he sits down himself.
“Your server will be here shortly.”
The greeter
turns and walks away. Dexter smiles
warmly at Aubrianna.
“Well here we are, but don’t you think it’s
a bit much for a date, Aubrey? If it was
our anniversary that’d be one thing, but isn’t that September?”
“September is our anniversary of getting back
together, but it was around this time last year that I finally got up the
courage to answer your calls and e-mails and I finally agreed to meet you and
talk. This is more special to me than
just an anniversary.”
“How come?” Dexter asks curiously.
“Do you have to ask?”
“Sorry, it’s the journalist coming out in
me, babe.”
“Fine,” she rolls her eyes “if you must know, I felt terribly guilty
about our break up years ago. I thought
I was doing right by you but I was wrong.
This time last year, I managed to correct that mistake.”
“Well then, I guess this is a good reason to
celebrate.” Dexter says with a wink.
As Aubrianna
is about to speak, another woman, also dressed in black as the greeter was,
approaches the table.
“Welcome to Barrington’s!” She says,
sounding equally as pleasant as the greeter. “May I get you something to drink as you look over the menu?”
Dexter looks
over at Aubrianna. “What do you suggest?”
“A bottle of Chardonnay.”
Dexter chuckles.
“Excellent…Chardonnay it is then…”
The waitress
nods. “I shall bring it right away.”
The waitress
walks off to fill the order. Dexter
turns back to face Aubrianna.
“Chardonnay, Aubrey? Seriously?”
“Why not?
I think we deserve it.”
“Well, maybe you’re right. I mean, I have my job as a journalist back,
working for Global Championship Wrestling, and I get to do it alongside the
most beautiful woman in North Carolina.”
“Of course you…hey wait, just North
“In the world, babe.” He winks. “You know I like to tease you.”
“You better be teasing.” She snickers. “You know I’ve had my own bit of success
lately. I’m competing for GCW and the
HKW Underground. And I recently won the
GCW International Championship. So you’re
right, we both deserve to celebrate.”
“Yeah, speaking of that…are you sure you did
the right thing?”
“What do you mean?”
“I think you know what I mean, Aubrey. You didn’t exactly do Timothy Myers right in
how you won the International Championship from him.”
“Oh please, Dex!” She rolls her eyes. “Don’t bring that up.”
“I know you don’t like talking about it but
it wasn’t exactly the most honorable way of winning a championship.”
“No but it was perfectly legal.” She
retorts. “Besides, I don’t go around
judging you for the job that you do in GCW.
I mean, I don’t like how you mock and ridicule my BFF Chantelle Chambers’
“You mean her personal interviewer?”
“…her FRIEND Janice King. Granted, I’ll admit that it’s funny as hell,
but I still don’t like it.”
Dexter nods
his head, chuckling. “Yes, I am kind of
mean, but she put herself in that situation.”
“Point is, you are a journalist and I let
you have your fun at Janice King and, well, everyone else’s expense. So don’t criticize me when I pull the wool
over that idiot Tim Myers’s eyes and take his championship.”
The waitress
returns with two wine glasses and a bottle of Chardonnay. She pours both glasses full for Aubrianna and
Dexter. Dexter then picks up his glass and
holds it up for a toast.
“To us…”
Aubrianna nods
and clinks glasses with him “…to us…”
They take a
sip of the wine and then set their glasses back down.
“You’re right, babe, it’s just really
difficult at times separating business from pleasure when you are my
girlfriend. I really do care about you,
you know? I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“I won’t get hurt, babe. I can hold my own.”
“Oh I know what you’re capable of. I know you’re a worthy and deserving
champion, but the way you went about winning it, well, you know it pissed Myers
off and you know he won’t stop until he’s gained a measure of revenge.”
Powers grins
knowingly. “Is that so? He wants revenge; well my grandmother told me
that you can want in one hand and shit in the other and see which one gets
filled up first.”
“That’s somewhat disgusting.” Dexter
remarks with a frown.
“Yeah, well my point is that he can want
revenge but he isn’t going to get it. I
plan to go bell to bell with his stupid ass at For Glory & Gold in the Iron
Man Match and when it’s all said and done he’ll be forced to respect me and
what I can do in that ring.”
“That’s all well and good, and maybe you can
earn his respect, but that’s not the only thing that worries me. Lasiewicz…”
Powers laughs ever so slightly upon hearing that name. It’s the name that belongs to someone she’s
fought twice in GCW; Jessica Lasiewicz.
Both times Aubrianna won but under controversial circumstances. It never stopped the beautiful blonde from taking
victory laps over and over again every chance she got.
“Oh yeah, little Jessie. She seemed upset
with me the other day. I wonder if she’s
still irked with me because I kicked her little ass from pillar to post?”
“Aubrey, I wouldn’t poke that bear any
longer if I were you.”
“What do you mean by that? I beat her twice I could easily beat her
“Yes but you’re in Underground now. You’re closer to other members of her family…her
aunt, her father…both of whom are very dangerous competitors…”
“Barrabas whipped his Silver Eagled ass,
last I recall.”
“He did,” Dexter nods his head “and right now you’re not on his radar
screen, but if you keep poking that bear he might become interested in you and
I ask you this, Aubrey; do you really think that Barrabas wil protect you from
Jessica’s father if he decided to take it upon himself to shut you up?”
“Shut me up?”
Dexter sighs
and shakes his head. “I didn’t mean it to
come out like that, Aubrey. I’m just
trying to say that you do have a mouth on you, and it’s writing a lot of
checks. I want to know that you‘re
prepared to face the potential consequences if they come. That’s all.”
He reaches
across the table and grabs her hands, squeezing them tightly.
Powers, I see myself spending the rest of my life with you.”
“Whoa, Dex,”
Aubrey shakes her head “you’re not about to propose or some shit like that?”
“No,” he
chuckles “we only got back together a little under a year ago, but I look at
you and I see the love of my life.
Forgive me for worrying about you.”
“That’s why
I love you too, Dex. And you don’t have
to worry about me. I know what I’m
Hi there,
losers. Your GCW International Champion,
the MVP of Monarchy, the MVP of the Underground, Simply the Best, The Sexiest
of them All, The Most Valuable Powers herself Aubrianna Powers is here to bless
you nimrods with some wisdom. So sit
down, shut up, put those video game controllers and that bag of dorritos down,
you fat ass slobs, and listen to your goddess!
First of
all, before I get onto the topic at hand, I want to mention SCW Presents Rise
To Greatness. This should really be
Trinity Street Presents Rise To Greatness because we all know that this show
should be centered around her return to the house that Trinity Street built! This is a celebration of her return to the
ring! So Trinity Street, go out to that
ring, and rip that damn dinosaur’s head off and use it as a paperweight!
People have
questioned my judgment for as long as I’ve been alive. My parents questioned my decision to date
Dexter Russell, and even he admits he was a bit of a wiry little nerd once upon
a time but look at him now. He’s buff,
he’s muscular, and he’s the best damn journalist in this business today. Definitely worthy of being Senior Journalist
for GCW if any of those losers are paying attention.
Chantelle, but I gotta look out for my boo rather than your BFF Janice
King. Hope you understand, girl. All Eyes are still on You!
My parents
questioned my decision to learn under the guidance of my brothers Steve and
Derek Powers. My parents didn’t want me
to get into wrestling. Well I did
anyway, I made my debut April of last year and in that time I became MCW World
Tag Team Champion and GCW International Champion. I even earned a shot at Underground’s Tapout
Championship and I should have won that title had Edwards not cheated!
investigation into how he cheated is still under way, folks. As soon as I figure it out I’ll send the
proper documentation to the wonder Mr. Barrabas and I’m sure he’ll rectify the
situation immediately.
questioned my decision in using the favor I earned from GCW Livewire General
Manager Francis Taylor to cash in on a GCW International Championship Match
against Timothy Myers immediately after he had fought a grueling match against Isabella
Harker. Well for starters, what I did
was perfectly legal, bitches, so quit your whining. Second, I am not afraid of Timothy
Myers. If I was afraid of Myers, would I
have challenged him to an Iron Man Match at For Glory & Gold with my title
on the line?
No; you see,
I enjoy proving you idiots wrong. I
enjoy proving that you were wrong to question me and to doubt me and I prove it
each and every time I set foot inside that ring. I already beat Crystal Swift and Tyson
Kenneth O’Reilly to retain my championship. I am going to retain my
championship again by kicking Alan Monroe’s rejected ass at GCW Livewire
presents Purgatory. Do you think I’m
worried about going bell to bell with Timmy Myers at For Glory & Gold? And Brittany Kayl wants to mock me? Go ahead, mock me. Act tough.
Bring your ass to the ring anytime you want and I’ll whip your ass and
retain MY championship, because that’s just what I do.
Just like in
GCW, in Underground I am proving to be The MVP that I said I was. I beat Diedrick Van Dael and I beat Lis
Myers. And I will keep winning until I
am THE dominant force in that organization as well.
Funny, I
have a thing for pissing off people named Myers…
To sum it
all, losers, don’t doubt me. Don’t
question me. When I tell you that I’m
going to do something you can take it to the damn bank.
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