Concerns (3)

Off Camera

The British Bombshell and MCW’s General Manager Glory Braddock finds herself in the Detroit offices of Motor City Wrestling.  The office was painted grey, and it had only one floor-to-ceiling window, which faced the main road. On the grey desk sat a desktop computer, a notebook lying open, and a stack of papers sitting under a turtle-shaped paperweight. In a corner, the air conditioner was blasting at medium, and there was a swivel chair in the middle of the office. A bookshelf, bursting with books was in a corner, with yet another stack of papers under a paperweight that was shaped to look like a tuft of grass. A few pens were lying on the papers, but some had fallen onto the top of the bookshelf.

She is sitting in her office, behind her desk, that is right by a large window that overlooks the Detroit skyline.  The beautiful blonde is wearing a black pencil skirt that flatters her curves, a matching black suit coat over a white silky blouse.  Her feet are encased in black peep-toe high heeled pumps.  Her long dirty blonde locks of hair hang to just below the shoulders.  Braddock is working peacefully and diligently at her desk, but that peace is about to come to a crashing halt when the doors to her office swings wide open and a seemingly irate Aubrianna Powers comes storming inside.

“This had better be good!”

The blonde haired North Carolina native is wearing long black pants, black flats, a floral print blouse, and her long hot pink tipped blonde hair hangs unrestrained to below her shoulders, almost to mid-back. A sneer is etched across her face as she did not want to be here today.  She has a match to prepare for, a Taipei Death Match against Kirsta Lewis at Shattered Dreams.  Aubrianna would rather be preparing for one of the toughest matches of her career but instead she was called up here to speak with Glory Braddock.  Aubrianna wouldn’t have come at all were it not for the fact that Braddock is her boss, the general manager of Motor City Wrestling.

“Nice to see you too, Aubrey.” Glory says with a chuckle. “You seem to be in good spirits.”

“My name is Aubrianna and you should can the smart ass remarks and the sarcasm.” Aubrianna snaps back as she gets up to Glory’s desk, pounding her fists on the desk. “You are not as funny as you think you are.”

“Everyone else thinks I am funny.”

“Well you’re not.  You and those numbskulls you work with decided that it would be a freaking brilliant idea to have me face Kirsta Lewis in a Taipei Death Match of all things.”  She shakes her head. “I have no problem beating the hell out of Kirsta Lewis. But you’re going to make me do this shit in a dangerous environment like the Taipei Death Match.  You’re sick, twisted, and sadistic!”

“Wrong again.  Brittany Lohan and I were Twisted and Sadistic, not just me.” Glory winks playfully at Aubrianna.

“Stop trying to be funny, Braddock.  It just doesn’t work.  Besides, you know exactly what I mean.  This Taipei Death Match is dangerous and deadly and not only could my career be shortened but my beautiful face could be damaged!”

“Oh and that would be such a great loss…” Glory says snickering under her breath.

“Shut it!  The point is, I need to be ready, I need to be prepared, and yet instead of getting ready, I was called up to your office to speak with you?” She shrugs her shoulders. “This makes no damn sense!”

“Aubrey, just listen…”

“It’s Aubrianna!” Powers snaps back at her. “And actually, this DOES make sense!  It’s just like Trinity always says, you clowns running MCW have it in for Monarchy!  You have it in f or us!”

“Sit down!” Glory exclaims, the jovial tone now out of her voice, she sounds much more serious.  She points to a chair in front of her desk. “Sit down, Aubrey.”

Glory snapping at her the way she did was surprising to Aubrianna, it startled her.  She wasn’t expecting it.  She decided not to correct her a third time about her name and just simply nods her head, sitting down in the prescribed chair.  Powers leans back and folds her arms over her chest.

“So what is this about, Braddock?”

“You are a very talented athlete, Aubrey.  Despite what you may think of me or anyone else within this company, I do recognize your talent and, quite frankly, so does everyone else in this company.  It wasn’t even your tenth match as a professional and you became MCW World Tag Team Champion.  That’s impressive.  And that’s why we wanted you to go up against Kirsta Lewis.  I know you are capable of going head to head with her.  I’d rather not discuss the Taipei Death Match stipulation as that was not entirely my decision and that’s also not why I wanted you here.  I wanted you here so that I could impress upon you that MCW does value you as a competitor and that is why I am worried about your association with Monarchy.”

“Seriously?” Aubrianna laughs. “That’s what you’re worried about?!  This is what you dragged me in here for?!”

“I’ve been wrestling for nearly ten years now. I have a lot more experience than you and take it from me, joining groups such as this isn’t always in your best interest.  They’ll turn on you like venomous snakes.”

“Yeah, right.” Aubrianna rolls her eyes. “It just sounds like you are trying to drive a wedge between Monarchy, just like Chantelle says.”

Aubrianna stands up out of her chair and shakes her head.

“Well it isn’t going to work, Glory.  Monarchy is the best thing to happen to me.  Do you understand?”

“Fine,” Glory nods her head “if that’s what you want to think, fine.  I will let you make your own decisions, but will you listen to at least one word of advice?”


“Make some waves on your own.  Don’t just do what’s best for Monarchy but look out for what’s best for you.  I think even Trinity Street would agree that you should ultimately do what’s best for you.  So make an impact, Aubrey.  Make everyone sit up and take notice.”

“How do I do that?” Aubrianna places her hands on her hips.

“Do something unexpected.”

A funny thing happened to me the other day.  I was told by a certain someone that I needed to make waves.  I was told that I needed to make an impact.  I gave it some thought for awhile and then I realized just how absurd that statement was.  Think about it, for a moment.  Just take some time to think about my rookie year, which began with my debut as a professional athlete back in April 29th of 2017 when  I had my debut match as a professional, as a part of Global Championship Wrestling.

Since that debut I have earned a rookie year record that most would be jealous of with 72 wins, only 7 losses, and 2 draws.  I have pushed world champions to their limit.  I have been a former MCW World Tag Team Champion.  I have dismantled and dispatched the old guard of MCW, including Mya Denton, Jessica Jones, and Jackie Daniels.  Soon I’ll get rid of Kirsta Lewis, fully cementing my place as THE future of Motor City Wrestling.

This impressive rookie year, a rookie year that isn’t even over yet, is why Monarchy sat up and took notice of me.  Greatness recognizes greatness and that is why the great Trinity Street recognized my talent, my ability, and invited me to be a part of the supreme entity of MCW.

Yet I still need to make more waves?  I still need to make an impact?  It’s almost laughable to think that I haven’t done enough already in my first year as a megastar in this industry.  I’ve already proven myself to be The Very Best, The Absolute Best, Simply The Best, The Sexiest of them All, and The Most Valuable Powers.  I shouldn’t have to do anything else.  Each and every piece of crap in this company should stand up and take notice of who the hell I am.

Still I have my critics.  Still I have those who doubt.  Shattered Dreams will be the night I silence my critics and shatter my doubters into thousands of tiny pieces.  Beating Kirsta Lewis in that Taipei Death Match, potentially ending that fake ass granny cat reject’s career, could very well shut some mouths, but I will leave no doubts and no questions unanswered at Shattered Dreams.  You may not like me but you will all be a believer in Aubrianna Powers after Shattered Dreams is over; because I’m not just going to skin that hellcat.

I’m also hereby officially entering the Open Invitational Battle Royal.

Anyone can enter, right?  December 8th your social media geek made the announcement that anyone can enter, it doesn’t even matter what fed they were in, and what really caught my attention is the grand prize…

…a shot at any championship in MCW.

Twice in one night you will get the distinct honor and privilege watching Simply The Best be just that…simply the best damn talent on this roster.  Twice in one night you will get to watch me silence my critics.  You will get to watch me go through a whole host of competitors in this battle royal only to go on later on in the evening and cut that kitty cat bitch Kirsta to pieces.

Do you want an impact?  Do you want me to make waves?  How is that for making waves.  MCW Hall of Famer and former world champion Angelica Jones couldn’t even successfully wrestle twice in one night.  She tried it during her illustrious career, competing for the tag titles and the world title in two separate matches.  But she only walked out with the tag titles, not the big belt.

But Angelica Jones is no Aubrianna Powers.  She is not The Most Valuable Powers.  And I fully intend to outdo that MCW Hall of Famer by competing in two matches in one night and WINNING both of them.  Then with that championship match tucked away in my back pocket, I won’t have to declare myself as among The Elite…pardon the pun…of Motor City Wresting.

Each and every one of you will do it for me.  Each and every one of you will have no choice but to stand up and eat crow, and declare that I am the elite of Motor City Wrestling, that I am the future of Motor City Wrestling, and that I am exactly what I have been saying that I am ever since I made my debut in this sport back in April…

…Simply The Best.


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