vs. Jackie Daniels (500 Word)

So the old goat finally stepped out of the pasture and decided to speak.  Funny, I thought you’d be out in some pub somewhere keeled over a bottle of Jack Daniels, drooling all over your drunk self you stupid bitch, but hey, I guess even I can be wrong from time to time, eh?  But let’s get down to business.

Diva ego?  Sweetie, darling, it isn’t ego when you can back it up and I always back it up each and every damn time and if you want to talk A-Game, then you start with me, because I always have my A-Game.  I bring my A-Game every single time I set foot inside of the ring.  It comes natural, Jackie.  It’s in my DNA.  I am born and bred to be just that damn much better than you and anyone else I step into the ring with.

That’s why when I say that I am going to whip your ass, I mean it.  That’s why when I say those same tired old lines about how I’m the future and you’re the past, well it isn’t just a tired old line when I say it honey, it’s the damn truth.  And that’s why at Mayhem I am going to plant your flat on your back.  That’s why I am going to whip your ass from pillar to post and put you out to pasture just like I put Mya Denton and Jessica Jones out to pasture.

Just like I will put your little buddy Kirsta Lewis out to pasture at Shattered Dreams.

You, you’re just another relic of a past that needs to go away, a past that keeps trying to hang in there but just refuses to die.  You and Kirsta are those old horses, those horses who have run a lot of races back in their day and have won quite a few crowns along the way, but you have long since outlived your usefulness.  Your time has come and gone and it is time to take you out behind the barn and put a bullet through your head…

…it’s time for Simply The Best to put you out of your damn misery.


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