Contemplating A Friendship (2)

Off Camera

The red carpeted hallway of a Detroit, Michigan Holliday Inn is nearly empty.  Everyone is either out and about or inside of their rooms.  That is about to change as the dinging sound emanating from the elevator signifies that someone is about to step out into these halls.  The elevator doors slowly slide open and reveal the beautiful Aubrianna Powers, who after a brief moment’s hesitation, steps out of the elevator and onto the red carpeted floors of the hallway and begins to make her walk down the hall.  Aubrianna is dressed casually today for what she hopes will be an easy going affair but she realizes that this may be a little more difficult than she hopes.  She is wearing an ankle length maxi skirt, flip flops, and a black t-shirt with the words “Simply The Best” on the front in purple lettering.  With each step she gets closer and closer to a confrontation that she had hoped she wouldn’t have to make but her boyfriend, Dexter Russell, had made it clear to her that this confrontation had to take place; a confrontation between her and her on-again off-again friend and tag team partner Melanie McBride.

Aubrianna and Melanie were once close friends and allies, even former MCW World Tag Team Champions, but after losing the gold to The Creation they slowly started to drift apart.  The situation was made worse with the return of Melanie’s adopted sister, Karen McBride, back onto the scene.  At first Melanie seemed reluctant to get involved with Karen again and Aubrianna thought that she would be doing the right thing by trying to strong arm Karen out of Melanie’s life.  But now Melanie seems to want to restart that relationship with Karen.  She seems willing to listen.  And it’s causing tension between Aubrianna and Melanie, as well as Aubrianna and her own brothers Steve and Derek Powers.

It was Dexter’s idea to let Melanie make her own decisions regarding her family and to stay out of that.  But he also doesn’t think Aubrianna has to completely abandon Melanie.  Perhaps it is good to talk to her?

At least the idea sounds good on paper.

The beautiful blonde arrives at a door and sighs.  Now or never.  She knocks.  It isn’t long until the door opens and standing there isn’t Melanie McBride but instead it is her older sister, Karen McBride…

“Oh, hi Karen.” Aubrianna says uneasily. “I thought Melanie was staying here?”

“Go away,  Aubrianna.” Karen sneers. “No one wants you around.”

Karen attempts to shut the door but is stopped when a voice rings out from inside the room…

“Let her in, Kare-Bear.  It’s ok.”

Karen turns and glares angrily at Aubrianna for a tense moment.  Eventually, though, she does step aside and open the door, allowing Aubrianna full access to the room.  Powers steps inside and the door is shut behind her.  Once inside she spots Melanie McBride sitting on the edge of her king size bed.  Melanie is also casually dressed in denim jeans, black flats, and a floral print blouse.  Aubrianna uneasily waves at her friend Melanie.

“Hi, Mel.”

“Good afternoon, Aubrianna.”

“Uh, call me Aubrey…”

“Really?” Melanie chuckles. “You never let anyone call you that.  Not even your friends.  Not even me.”

“I know but…some things have changed.  That’s kind of what I wanted to talk to you about.”

Melanie nods her head, understanding what Aubrianna wants.  She looks over at Karen. “Would you mind stepping outside just a moment, Kare-Bear?”

“Are you sure?”


Karen nods and reluctantly exits the room, leaving Aubrianna alone with Melanie.  Aubrianna sits down on the edge of the bed next to Melanie and sighs.

“Thanks, Mel.  I seriously thought she was going to attack me.”

“She doesn’t like you very much, that’s for certain.  She doesn’t approve of our friendship, either.  She says she reminds you of Pierce Manning in a few distinct ways, specifically in how he used me, manipulated me, and eventually brainwashed me into going against my own family.”

“Yeah, about that…” Aubrianna sighs and shakes her head “…I was wrong, Mel.  Your sister was right, I’m no better than Pierce Manning.  I used you and manipulated you just as much as he did.  The thing I didn’t do was try to brainwash you or any of that freaky shit.  And then when Karen and Blair tried to help you…”

Tears form in Aubrianna’s eyes.  Melanie places a comforting hand on her knee.

“…I could have let them help you, I could worked with them to help you, but instead I chose to stick my nose into your family’s business and I tried to stop them.  And then I got to thinking about what Jason King and Willow Wilkes said about us, about our friendship and I realized that they were right about us…”

She pats herself on the chest “…or at least they were right about me.  I realized that I’m not sure I ever did consider you a friend, and that maybe I just considered you my ticket to the tag titles.”

Aubrianna turns and stares Melanie directly in the eyes “Mel, you have no reason to forgive me, but I do ask for your forgiveness and I would really like to be your friend…a true friend, none of that fake shit this time…”

There is a tense pause as Melanie and Aubrianna lock eyes.  Then Melanie leans over and embraces Aubrianna. “Quit kicking yourself, Aubrianna!  I forgive you and yes, I would love to have you as my friend…except…”

“Except what?”

Melanie grins wickedly. “Does this mean I can call you Aubrey all day long now?”

Aubrianna giggles. “Yeah, yeah it does!”

The date is set.  Shattered Dreams 2 is when I shatter the dreams of Kirsta Lewis, her dreams of once again becoming a major star in this industry.  Shattered Dreams 2 will be the day that I make her realize that her time has come and gone, that the past should stay in the past and that we should focus on people like me, THE FUTURE, “Simply The Best”, “The Sexiest of them All”, and “The Most Valuable Powers” Aubrianna Powers!

Slowly but surely I am eliminating MCW’s past.  I already ran Mya Denton out of this company and every last one of ingrates should be on your hands and knees thanking me for running that wretched slob out of here.  Jessica Jones probably won’t be too far behind seeing as I whipped her ass too.  Kirsta’s time is coming but she has to sit and watch as I go through the past one by damn one until I get to her Fake Granny-Cat Ass.

I have no problem torturing her until that time comes and I can torture with the best of them.  I can torture her by going after her BFF Jackie Daniels.

I swear to fucking God, I thought Kirsta was bad about being unoriginal, but you, Jackie babe, you take the damn cake!  I mean, really, it is soooooo cute that your ring name is a brand of alcoholic beverage.  But hell, maybe you need to down a few of those Jack Daniels before facing me; maybe it’ll numb the senses enough that you won’t feel the pain of the ass whipping that I’m about to bring your way.  Or maybe if you’re good and drunk then maybe it’ll help you forget how badly I humiliated you in front of the world and in front of your good old friend Kirsta Lewis…

…and I do mean old.  She’s so damn old that archaeologists found ancient pottery in her vagina.  But I digress…

It doesn’t matter what way you slice it, Beer Lady, I’m gonna beat your old unoriginal ass all over the ring.  It’s academic.  It’s an open and shut case.  Seriously, it’s literally been done before, or have you forgotten Mayhem 5?  Yeah, that was the Mayhem after Purgatory when me and Melanie beat you and Granny-Cat for the MCW Tag Titles.  What’d you call yourselves again…Hell’s Angels?  Yet another example of you lacking originality.

Jackie Daniels, not only are tied to Kirsta Lewis by being her friend, but you are also part of the old guard, you part of this company’s past, a past that may not be dead but is damn sure on life support.  It needs to die.  It needs to die and stay dead.  People like myself and role models like Trinity Street are going to bury the past.  Trinity will bury Jacob Laymon at Shattered Dreams.  I’ll bury Kirsta Lewis at Shattered Dreams.

And this coming Mayhem, I’ll bury you.  Ashes to ashes, dust to dust…bitch.


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