Reconnecting (4)

On Camera

The first impression most people get when they meet Aubrianna Powers is that of an obnoxious, arrogant, overbearing little bitch.  There’s no secret that she is quite full of herself but what makes people so agitated is that she can oftentimes back up her words with action.  She is damn near as good as she claims to be.  In just her first year of being an active professional wrestler she has already amassed a sparkling win-loss record and has won the MCW World Tag Team Championship one time with Melanie McBride as part of The Elite.  She definitely is just as talented as she is braggadocios.

Few people get to know the true person deep down inside.  Even Aubrianna’s brothers, Steve and Derek Powers, do not quite grasp the true nature of their youngest sibling.  Only one individual, one man has the opportunity to see the true Aubrianna Powers; and that man is professional wrestling reporter Dexter Russell.

Russell and Aubrianna used to be involved in a relationship.  They were close, and Dexter, in fact, considered her his girlfriend. Therein lies the problem.  Aubrianna felt they were getting a bit too close and she didn’t feel comfortable in a relationship, not with Dexter at least, despite the fact that she liked him.  So she broke things off.

It’s funny how fate works though, because now the two have rediscovered one another and they have picked up right where they left off…right where Aubrianna was afraid to go…


Aubrianna Powers is walking hand in hand with Dexter Russell, a newly ripped Dexter Russell thanks to his intense workout regimen.  She is wearing an ankle length floral print maxi skirt, sandals, and a “Sexiest of them All Aubrianna Powers” t-shirt.  Dexter Russell is wearing a form fitting tight sky blue t-shirt that shows off his ripped muscles and tight denim jeans.

The sound of children playing, birds chirping, and the feeling of a cool breeze blowing in this Charlotte, North Carolina park makes this all that much better for Aubrianna, but the one thing that feels strange to her is the feeling of safety and security that she feels with Dexter.  She’d never felt that way with him before because she was always the one defending him and protecting him.  Now that he’s physically jacked and can clearly Aubrianna has a new feeling of attraction towards Dexter, it’s not just merely the feeling of pity she felt towards the nerdy form of Dexter of old.

“I remember this place…” Dexter says, his voice trailing off.

“You should remember it.” Aubrianna recalls with a grin. “This was our place.  We came here to get away from the mass of idiots that inundated our lives.”

“They weren’t idiots, Aubrey,” Dexter scolds “they were just fans and some co-workers.”

“Idiots is more like it.  I mean, seriously, do they actually think I care about them?  I’m a big star.  I don’t have time for them.”

“You weren’t a big star then.” Dexter says with a wink, correcting her.  “You only just made your debut THIS year.”

“Oh details, details!”

Aubrianna spots something out of the corner of her eye.  She suddenly turns and leads Dexter over to an old, worn, wood park bench.  She motions for Dexter to sit down and he does so.  Aubrianna then sits down on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck.  He looks up at her with surprise in his eyes.

“What…what’s this all about?”

“Are you complaining?”

“No!  It’s just…this is uncharacteristic of you, Aubrey.”

“Right, that may be true, but you do understand how difficult it is for me to admit that I’m wrong.”

Dexter chuckles. “Well, yeah, you always were a bit stubborn.”

“Don’t rub it in.” She snaps. “Anyway, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately, about you and I…and I remember how we were back in the day, what we had between the two of us…and I remembered what I liked the best about you…”

“What’s that?” Dexter asks.

“Your honesty, and you were just an overall good person.  The guys my brothers, Steve and Derek, the guys they hung out with may have looked better, more attractive than you did back then, but they were jackasses who couldn’t be trusted.  They’d betray their own mother if it advanced their career.  You were different.  You were a good guy, and I liked that.”

“So why did you end the relationship?” Dexter asks.

“That’s the thing, Dex, at the time I didn’t know I WANTED a relationship.  You considered us an item but I wasn’t sure I wanted it.  I took pity on you because of how the wrestlers treated you and picked on you.  So I defended you, I protected you.  But I didn’t think that was how a relationship was supposed to work.”

She shakes her head. “But I realize now how wrong I was.”

“Aubrey…” Dexter’s voice trails off as he runs his hand through her long blonde hair “…while I appreciate what you did for me back then, I have to admit some of what you said was accurate.  Maybe it’s my male pride but I didn’t want you to have to defend me all the time and I felt all along that’s why you broke it off.  That’s why I started working out the way I did…not just so I could defend myself, but also for you.”


“Yes, for you.” He grins. “Do you like it?”

Aubrianna studies Dexter for a moment and then she leans over and kisses him on the lips.

“Does that answer your question, Dex?”

“Yeah…it does…” his voice trails off.

“Dex, you truly do bring out the best in me.  So I’d like to pick up right where we left off, as your girlfriend.”

It seems that the age old debate of past versus future has crept up and entered into the lives of each and every MCW superstar.  Now of course there is Trinity Street and Monarchy leading the charge for the future of MCW against MCW’s old, decrepit guard of MCW originals led by Jacob Laymon.  And hell, who knows, maybe that whole rivalry will come to an end at Shattered Dreams when Trinity ends that bald headed bastard’s career?

I can’t help but notice that the whole past versus the future debate has been increasingly involving itself in my MCW career as well.  I just recently took the world champion Jacob Laymon to his limit; even in a loss I proved that I am the future of this company.  And now, on the next Mayhem, I’m set to face another MCW old guard looking to regain some amount of relevance in this business.

Jeffrey Alexander…let me ask you something, Black Hollywood, did you sell those “X’s” in Starxxxx in order to pay off the bills when your career went belly up?  Hell, you’ve tried and failed to reinvent yourself more times than the Cleveland Browns.

And when your career ended, and your attempts to rebrand yourself became an utter failure, you decided to latch onto whatever piece of ass reared her pretty little head on twitter.  I’m sure Kennedy Street and Amy Chastain appreciate having their own personal cheerleader but let me ask you this, loser…do you think they’ll be there for you when I kick your ass all over the Joe Louis Arena?

No, because you are beneath them.  They don’t care about you and furthermore, they know what you’re doing with them, they know that you’re just using them to make yourself relevant and to have people notice you again.

That’s the kind of person you are, Jeff, you need the spotlight.  You’re like a child who needs attention at all times.  That’s what this is all about.  It’s attention-seeking, it’s an attempt to gain some amount of spotlight, and it’s about trying to remain relevant in a world that has practically forgotten about you.

Consider the fact that I’m the only one thus far to have recognized you as an MCW original.  The company itself has disowned your dumb fuck ass.

Normally I wouldn’t give a damn what fool ass thing you did to try and remain relevant.  But there’s one minor problem here, Jeffrey…’re attempting to take MY spotlight, and there is no way in hell that I am going to let you have my spotlight.

So here’s the bad news for you, Black Hollywood; your journey to regain your lost relevancy will come to an end before it even began when you face me one on one on Mayhem.  And there’s only two things you can do about it, Jeff…

…nothing and like it.


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