Reconnecting (3)
Off Camera
may be nine-tenths of the law, and Aubrianna Powers, along with her best friend
and tag team partner Melanie McBride, may have walked out of Deliverance with
the MCW World Tag Team Championship belts, they did not walk away as the
official champions, for they suffered their first real defeat as a tag team at
the hands of Willow Wilkes and Jason King, The Creation.
To be
perfectly honest, Aubrianna isn’t completely sure what she and Melanie will do
with those tag team title belts. Could
she use them as leverage in some way to get a rematch for her and Melanie at
the tag titles? Or perhaps even better,
could she use them to get herself a shot at bigger and better things?
Something as
big as the MCW World Championship?
knows that the world championship is within sight. She’s already been a champion in MCW, so the
pedigree, the legitimacy, it is there.
Now she has an opportunity to make a legitimate claim at a world title
match as she faces the new MCW World Champion Jacob Laymon on the next edition
of Mayhem.
Yet, while
all of that is going on in her professional life, her personal life has issues
of its own as an ex-boyfriend she thought she had gotten rid of recently
resurfaced. Her ex-boyfriend is former
reporter for GDW, Dexter Russell. He’s
been calling her a great deal lately, enough that Steve and Derek Powers,
Aubrianna’s brothers, suggested she either talk to him or get a restraining
order to legal protection against him.
This is what
brings the beautiful blonde bombshell with her strands of pink and red locks to
a McDonald’s in Detroit, Michigan. She’s
dressed in a black sheath dress that certainly catches the eye with its
seductive lace. A wide neckline gently
clings to her shoulders. Her feet are
encased in strappy high heeled shoes.
Now the question is, what is Aubrianna doing dressed up like this at a
question is about to be answered as a rather well-built man, just at six foot,
wearing denim jeans, black sneakers, and an “Aubrianna Powers” t-shirt enters
the restaurant. Aubrianna immediately
recognizes his face and flags him down.
Dexter scans
the McDonald’s and eventually spots her.
He walks over to her table and sits down. He smiles sheepishly and waves awkwardly at
“Uh, hi…hi Aubrey…”
“Actually it’s…” Aubrianna sighs and
forces a polite smile onto her face “…hi
narrows her gaze at Dexter. “You look…different.”
“Good different, I hope.”
“Yeah, definitely.” She says, nodding
her head. “You look ripped, Dexter. Last time I saw you, you looked like..well…a
wiry little geek.”
“Thanks,” Dexter says, blushing “I work
out. A lot. After my experience with GDW I felt I kinda
had to. I didn’t want to be bullied
anymore, I didn’t want my girlfriend…” He sighs “…ex-girlfriend defending me. So
I started working out.”
He chuckles.
“It’s not like I have anything better to
“What does that mean? You’re a journalist. Don’t you work somewhere.”
“No, nowhere.” He says, shaking his
head. “I haven’t worked since GDW closed
up. I’m barely scraping by on government
can only imagine how embarrassing this must be for Dexter. GDW was his only life support, and he was
always the type of person who prided himself on not needing any help from
anyone. Now he needs government
support? It must be killing him.
“But enough about me,” he says
cheerfully “who cares about me? What about you, Aubrey? How have you been?”
“Uh, I…” now it’s Aubrianna who cannot
find the right words “…uh, I’m great. I’m good.
I’m wrestling for two companies right now, Motor City Wrestling and
Global Championship Wrestling. I was MCW
World Tag Team Champion but my partner and I lost the titles.”
“Yeah, I saw.” Dexter says. “You know, you should return them.”
“Return what?”
“The title belts. Like it or not, they beat you fair and
square, Aubrey.”
Her first
instinct is to tear into him with some venomous insult but that puppy dog look
in his eyes disarms her. She nods her
“Yeah, you’re right…I’ll…” she pauses “…I’ll talk to Glory Braddock about it.”
“I hope you do and I hope you can come to an
agreement. You are a great athlete,
Aubrey. You’re go places in MCW. You beat Jacob Laymon and you could be in
line for a world title shot.” He reaches out and places a hand upon her
bare knee. “You don’t need the cheap
looks down at Dexter’s hand on her knee and then she looks back up at
Dexter. He realizes what he did and
quickly pulls his hand away.
“Oh, God, I…I’m sorry…”
“I’m sorry, Aubrey.” He stands up and
walks away. “I’m sorry.”
“Dexter, wait!”
gets up and gives chase after her ex-boyfriend.
She reaches him outside of the restaurant where he still has his back
turned towards her.
“Dexter, what’s wrong?”
“I fucked up. Again.
I constantly fuck up. I was lucky
you even wanted to meet me and yet now, when I have my chance, I fuck things
up. It’s no wonder I got bullied by the
wrestlers back in GDW. I brought it on
“Quit that bullshit talking right now,
Dorkster.” Aubrianna snaps in her usual angry tone. She grabs him by his
shoulders and turns him around to face her. “You
are a damn good journalist, you DESERVE to be treated with respect, not like
garbage, and you DESERVE to have a good job.
I will talk to my contacts in MCW and GCW and see what strings I can
“No, Aubrey,” he shakes his head “you are not getting me a job. I want to make my own way.”
“You are going to accept my help, goof. And there’s one other thing you’re going to
“What’s that?” He asks with an arched
She grabs
his head, pulls it down, and she plants a passionate kiss on his lips. Once she breaks the kiss a shocked look is
seen on her face as well as Dexter’s.
“Did I…” her voice trails off “…did I just do that?”
“Yeah,” he remarks, nodding his head “and you can do it again if you want.”
She thinks
about it for a moment before smirking. “Sure
thing, Dex…”
She kisses
him again.
Simply The
Best Promo, Bitches
Blah, blah,
blah hashtag #CREATION! Blah, blah, blah…
That’s what
Deliverance means to me. A great big
blah…nothing. Pointless. Willow and her little bitch boy may have
beaten me and Melanie but who walked away with the tag team championships when
all was said and done?
We did. Just as I said we would.
What will I
do with these little trinkets I now have in my possession? Good question. I’m not sure yet, but the point is that I
have proven that even in defeat I make waves, I make an impact, and even in
defeat I am still the most talked about superstar on this roster.
Why? Quite simply because everyone knows I am the
future of Motor City Wrestling. Anytime
I want I could dump the tag team scene, dump these trinkets off with those two
babbling idiots Willow and Jason, and move on to the world championship where I
rightfully belong.
And no one
can stop me, especially not that ancient piss-ant Jacob Laymon.
Some may
think it’s a surprise that I’m facing you on Mayhem, Jacob. Not me.
I know how damn good I am. I am
The Absolute Best, The Very Best, Simply Best, and damn it, I am The Sexiest of
them All. I have brains, beauty, and God
given talent all wrapped up in the perfect package. Your brother is smart enough to know dollar
signs when he sees it. He is smart
enough to know greatness when he sees it and when Malakai Laymon sees me, he
sees greatness, he sees a woman who can carry this company on her shoulders
into the future.
You are just
a relic of the past that needs to be eliminated.
Now Trinity
Street will have her time. I won’t cut
ahead of her. But I can afford to be
patient because I’m just twenty-six years old and my pro-wrestling debut was
back in April of this year. I just got
started on this journey and I can afford to wait, to bide my time, and in the
meantime make as many impacts as I can.
I will make
an impact by beating you half to death, you bald headed bastard. And when I pin your sorry ass in the center
of the ring, the world will once again have to sit up and take notice...
…because I
will have just beaten the World Champion.
I will have beaten the face of Motor City Wrestling.
Now that’s
what I call an impact.
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