vs. Jackie Daniels (500 Word)

So the old goat finally stepped out of the pasture and decided to speak. Funny, I thought you’d be out in some pub somewhere keeled over a bottle of Jack Daniels, drooling all over your drunk self you stupid bitch, but hey, I guess even I can be wrong from time to time, eh? But let’s get down to business. Diva ego? Sweetie, darling, it isn’t ego when you can back it up and I always back it up each and every damn time and if you want to talk A-Game, then you start with me, because I always have my A-Game. I bring my A-Game every single time I set foot inside of the ring. It comes natural, Jackie. It’s in my DNA. I am born and bred to be just that damn much better than you and anyone else I step into the ring with. That’s why when I say that I am going to whip your ass, I mean it. That’s why when I say those same tired old lines about how I’m the future and you’re the past, well it isn’t just a tired old line when I say it honey, ...