
Showing posts from November, 2017

vs. Jackie Daniels (500 Word)

So the old goat finally stepped out of the pasture and decided to speak.  Funny, I thought you’d be out in some pub somewhere keeled over a bottle of Jack Daniels, drooling all over your drunk self you stupid bitch, but hey, I guess even I can be wrong from time to time, eh?  But let’s get down to business. Diva ego?  Sweetie, darling, it isn’t ego when you can back it up and I always back it up each and every damn time and if you want to talk A-Game, then you start with me, because I always have my A-Game.  I bring my A-Game every single time I set foot inside of the ring.  It comes natural, Jackie.  It’s in my DNA.  I am born and bred to be just that damn much better than you and anyone else I step into the ring with. That’s why when I say that I am going to whip your ass, I mean it.  That’s why when I say those same tired old lines about how I’m the future and you’re the past, well it isn’t just a tired old line when I say it honey, ...

Contemplating A Friendship (2)

========== Off Camera ========== The red carpeted hallway of a Detroit, Michigan Holliday Inn is nearly empty.  Everyone is either out and about or inside of their rooms.  That is about to change as the dinging sound emanating from the elevator signifies that someone is about to step out into these halls.  The elevator doors slowly slide open and reveal the beautiful Aubrianna Powers, who after a brief moment’s hesitation, steps out of the elevator and onto the red carpeted floors of the hallway and begins to make her walk down the hall.  Aubrianna is dressed casually today for what she hopes will be an easy going affair but she realizes that this may be a little more difficult than she hopes.  She is wearing an ankle length maxi skirt, flip flops, and a black t-shirt with the words “Simply The Best” on the front in purple lettering.  With each step she gets closer and closer to a confrontation that she had hoped she wouldn’t have to make but her...

Contemplating A Friendship

========== Off Camera ========== The rays of a beautiful sunrise in Detroit, Michigan are shining down upon Aubrianna Powers as she sits out on the balcony of her hotel room.  She is wearing a pair of tight, form fitting, denim jeans that hug all of her sexy curves, flip flops on her feet with toes that are painted crimson, a black t-shirt with the words “Powers Dynasty” written on the front in purple lettering. The beautiful blonde is deep in thought as she stares across the Detroit cityscape. She is contemplating the rather estranged relationship she has with her former tag team partner and on again off against best friend forever Melanie McBride.  The two are former MCW World Tag Team Champions but ever since losing the gold things haven’t exactly been the same between them.  One could say they’ve been downright tense. Despite popular opinion, Aubrianna does value her friendships.  That’s why she went to the lengths she went to in order to reest...