
========== September 10th, 2020 Portland, Oregon Off Camera ========== The Most Valuable Powers may not have been scheduled for action on Breakdown in Portland, but never let it be said that Aubrianna Powers is a slouch; seriously, don’t let her here you say that, she’ll slap you. The fact is, The MVP is anything but a slouch. Her ego may be over the top but she is passionate about wrestling and her work ethic is unparalleled. Aubrey did show up to Breakdown in Portland she was there to hear the big news of the SCW Tag Team League, a round robin style tournament. This woman, a self-proclaimed “Mayhem Tag Team Champion”, will get the chance to prove her tag team prowess with Gavin himself in this tournament. Well, she hopes so at least. We open inside of a hotel room in Portland, Oregon where Aubrey has stayed for the duration of her stay. She and her husband, wrestling journalist Dexter Russell, could have left for...