Don't Doubt Me

========== Off Camera ========== We open in the uptown Charlotte area outside of Barrington’s restaurant. People are coming and going but one couple that is heading down the sidewalk towards the front doors is a couple that is quickly become known in certain parts of the wrestling world and is already famous in Charlotte; North Carolina natives Aubrianna Powers, a wrestler by trade, and her boyfriend Dexter Russell, a journalist. Dexter is wearing a nice button up silk shirt, Duke royal blue blazer, and matching blue pants. Powers is dressed in a black sheath dress that certainly catches the eye with its seductive lace. A wide neckline gently clings to her shoulders. Her feet are encased in strappy high heeled shoes. Dexter takes her by the hand and the couple makes their way forward and towards the door. They push the door open and step inside. The walls are gray and the floors are a cream color. There are a mixtur...