Reconnecting (4)

========== On Camera ========== The first impression most people get when they meet Aubrianna Powers is that of an obnoxious, arrogant, overbearing little bitch. There’s no secret that she is quite full of herself but what makes people so agitated is that she can oftentimes back up her words with action. She is damn near as good as she claims to be. In just her first year of being an active professional wrestler she has already amassed a sparkling win-loss record and has won the MCW World Tag Team Championship one time with Melanie McBride as part of The Elite. She definitely is just as talented as she is braggadocios. Few people get to know the true person deep down inside. Even Aubrianna’s brothers, Steve and Derek Powers, do not quite grasp the true nature of their youngest sibling. Only one individual, one man has the opportunity to see the true Aubrianna Powers; and that man is professional wrestling reporter Dexter Russell. Ru...