Dexter and Aubrey

========== Off Camera ========== Slowly and reluctantly, Aubrianna Powers uncovers her face. Her eyes opened, her eyelashes faintly batting against her lids when she blinked. She blinks, closes eyes, and blinks again. Streaks of sunlight penetrate the window and blind her. She laid on the bed next to her still slumbering boyfriend, wrestling journalist Dexter Russell, debating whether or not she should get up. Her muscles felt weak, just like her energy and will to do anything today. She sits up, drags her feet off the bed, and rubs her knuckles onto her eyes. Aubrianna stretches her arms above her head and yawns as she watches her legs dangle above the off-white polyester carpet. “You’re up early.” The blonde haired beauty is somewhat startled by this voice but she quickly recognizes it. She turns to find Dexter Russell, eyes wide open, fully awake, and smiling devilishly at his gorgeous girlfriend. It’s almost as ...